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Student Wellbeing - Counselling support for Postgraduate Research students

Counselling Support is available to ALL students.

Postgraduate research can bring its own unique set of challenges.  This can include, difficulties within the supervisor – supervisee relationship, research not going to plan, not experiencing the level of autonomy expected, competition, among others.

The counselling Service offers a range of support, free of charge, for to help you deal with emotional and psychological difficulties and make the most of your time at UH.

Counselling can provide a space for you to explore how you feel, what may be causing any issues or difficulties and how you can find solutions to move forward. Counsellors will not tell you what to do, but we can help you think about your difficulties from a different perspective.

There are also self-help resources available for postgraduate research students, including information on the types of difficulties postgraduate research students can face.

For more information on counselling and for self referral forms click here

Free 24/7 Helpline via Health Assured:

All UH students will have access to a free 24/7 helpline from Sept 2021.

If you need immediate wellbeing/emotional support,  financial, legal, non-urgent medical advice or grief support call: 0800 028 3766.


Please note: We are aware of claims in a recent BBC report about the counselling and support services provided by our affiliate partner, Health Assured. Consequently, we are awaiting further guidance from the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) to ensure Health Assured are providing a good standard of clinical practice. We will provide an update when we have more information.

In the meantime, and given the claims are still under investigation, Health Assured information is still accessible to students should they wish to access the service.

If you would like to access alternative support services outside of Student Wellbeing please visit the Mind webpage for guidelines, helplines, and services

Our commitment to supporting our students remains unchanged; the support services are still available to students and our referral system to Student Wellbeing remains open for those in need.


We also have a self-help page specific for postgraduate research students which can be found here

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Student Wellbeing

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Student Wellbeing is closed at weekends and during holiday periods.
Hutton Hub, College Lane