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Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy) Selection page for interview updates 2024

This page is to give information to applicants to the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology programme starting in September 2024

Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy) Selection page for interview updates 2024


This is a Frequently Asked Questions page to assist with the selection process for the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Programme and will be kept updated as the selection process progresses throughout the year.


We will be unable to respond to individual queries due to the high volume of applications. Therefore, please monitor this page for regular updates.



Interview outcomes have been emailed.

We've filled our spaces for the new cohort and those on the reserve list after interview have been emailed. 


How can I apply to the UH DClinPsy programme?

We would request that all applications are received through the Leeds Clearing House website on Leeds Clearing House  


For applicants who are self-funded, there is an option to apply via the University of Hertfordshire website


What are the deadlines to apply to the programme this year?

We will be working to the deadlines below.

Deadline to submit your application through Leeds Clearing House:  1:00 pm (UK time) on 22 November 2023

Deadline to notify you if you have an interview: 15 March 2024

Deadline to notify you of your interview outcome: 31 May 2024


Are there Open Days for the DClinPsy programme?

We do not currently have open days for the programme. During the selection process and for those invited to interview, we do usually have a Q&A with current trainees or an opportunity for discussions.



Questions regarding: Completion of the application form

I would like to provide extra documents with my application– what should I do?

There should be room to provide all necessary documents with your application form, please do not provide any additional documentation beyond Leeds Clearing House requirements.


I do not know the percentage I achieved for my academic degree, what should I do?

Please could you either:

  • prioritise entering the percentage of the highest qualification e.g. Masters
  • put N/A on the application form, for not available.
  • Put your grade in the percentage box


Can I apply if I am due to complete my current postgraduate degree, at the same point the programme starts?  

Your thesis needs to be submitted before the start of the course date to ensure that you're not enrolled on two courses at the same time. We would advise that the viva has taken place before the course starts even if corrections have not been completed. The viva date would also need to avoid our induction period as we do not allow trainees to take leave during this period. If you have concerns that you were likely to have more substantive amendments or would not be able to complete your work in the timescales, then we would recommend postponing your application a year for a better work-life balance for yourself. 


Please ensure guidance is followed regarding any previous NHSE-funded trainings you may have accessed.  This can be found on NHSE funded trainings


Can I still apply if I am an older applicant?

We welcome applications from mature candidates onto our programme and you won't be considered too old to undertake training. We also encourage those from unconventional/alternative career pathways onto our programme. We encourage mature candidates who come to psychology after a less conventional educational path to explain their educational and career pathways within their application. 



Questions regarding: References

Can I upload the reference, or does it have to be the referee?

References must be sent to Leeds Clearing House directly from the referee and the process for this will be clear on the Clearing House application form.

Furthermore, if you are offered a place on the programme, the Employing Trust may well conduct further checks directly with referees. References are not optional. 


Who can provide my (academic) reference?

An academic reference is usually linked to your most recent undergraduate or postgraduate academic course, but we understand that it is not always possible or helpful when there would be no detail in the reference. You can therefore ask another referee to complete the academic reference, but please do ask them to focus on your academic abilities rather than clinical or research abilities, as the latter would be covered by your second reference. For example, some people have completed a postgraduate IAPT or systemic practice course involving submitted work and have an academic reference linked to their assessed work, or they have a reference covering aspects of their role which required academic rather than clinical or research skills.  


You can have a reference from the person you think would be best placed to complete it and you can mention in your application form why you took your approach. 



Questions regarding: Language requirements and fee status  

English is not my first language; however, I studied my degree in English – do I still need to complete an IELTS?

International students from countries where English is not the official first language should have a minimum overall IELTS score of 8, with no less than 7.5 in any band, or equivalent. This must be taken within 2 years before applying.  

The IELTS could be waived if you have already studied in the UK or in a predominantly English-speaking country such as the USA or Australia and hold a degree from one of those countries.  Please ensure this is clearly recorded on your application form.


I studied abroad, however have worked in the UK for the last few years, do I need an IELTS?

Yes, an IELTS would be required.

International students from countries where English is not the official first language should have a minimum overall IELTS score of 8, with no less than 7.5 in any band, or equivalent. This must be taken within 2 years before applying.  

The IELTS could be waived if you have already studied in the UK or in a predominantly English-speaking country such as the USA or Australia and hold a degree from one of those countries.


Do you use A-Levels when short-listing applicants?

​No, we do not look at A Levels when short-listing as we recognise that this is not universal, and outcomes are more reflective of opportunities/privilege.


Do I need to prove my home fee status at the point of application, interview or starting the programme?

You would need to evidence your status as part of the pre-employment and University fee status checks. Please note that trainees are unable to commence employment until evidence is provided.



Questions regarding: Experience

Are entry requirements needed by the time of application, interview or starting the programme?

Entry requirements are needed by the time of application. 


How is my relevant experience evaluated as part of selection?

We take into account all instances of relevant experience including part time work. This needs to have taken place outside of the experience gained as part of a qualification. Experience needs to have taken place after the undergraduate psychology degree in order to qualify.  You would need to record any such experience in the employment table in the application form and it needs to relate to the practice of clinical psychology. We require total minimum experience of 24 months for applicants pursuing NHS funded places and 12 months for applicants pursuing self-funded places.   


I received a 2:2 for my undergraduate degree, however I’ve completed a Masters degree since. Can I still apply?

If you have an undergraduate degree with a classification below 2:1, a Masters degree in a relevant field will enable you to meet our minimum criteria.

Will completing a Masters degree increase my chances of getting a place on the programme?

A Masters is not necessary, except for where applicants have obtained a 2:2 classification on their degree or below (or its equivalent). Additional qualifications may be helpful in strengthening your application.

How is experience counted and does part-time experience count?

We can consider separate amounts of experience including part time, that is outside of experience gained as part of the qualification. Pre-masters experience counts as well. Please ensure you document such experiences in the employment table within the application form, specifically related to mental health. If, after totalling this experience, it falls short of 24 months for NHS-funded applicants (or 12 months for Self-funding applicants), it might be advisable to submit your application next year. If there are gaps in your employment history, kindly provide an explanation for these periods.


Questions regarding: Driving Licence

Do I need to be able to drive to apply?

Please note that, due to the wide geographical spread of our region across both urban and rural areas, the ability and willingness to travel across the training region is required. This needs to be in a timely manner which supports participation in the training programme and delivery of clinical services, and to a range of sites including university, placement base(s), and clients’ places of residence. Placement selection is made by the training programme; decisions on placement allocation are made according to identified training competence needs, any reasonable adjustments required, placement availability and other trainee circumstances. Reasonable adjustments and priority arrangements will be made for trainees with a disability as defined by the Equality Act 2010. Please note that the Employing Trust are usually only able to approve expenses related to mileage in a vehicle registered with the Trust or via public transport.



Questions regarding: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion  

 What is the programme doing in terms of Contextual admissions and equal opportunities?

We use contextual admissions data to “break the tie” where applicants obtain the same shortlisting score.  We will continue to review the use of this data in line with best practice and developments in the area.

Why should I apply, what are the values of the University and DClinPsy programme?

We closely align with the NHS and University values, with a strong focus on inclusivity, social justice and community. We are committed to the delivery of the principles of the NHS long term plan.  Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Office is readily accessible to all students and staff at University of Hertfordshire. With EDI sitting at the forefront of our community we strive to ensure all learners have an educational experience which is supportive and inclusive. We facilitate this by having dedicated champions in place in each Department to ensure EDI is at the heart of decision making and allows us to listen to our diverse community to better understand their perspectives and respond to their needs.  We also have an EDI Lead post within the programme team.

How does the programme help applicants and trainees with a disability?  

We work closely with our student wellbeing service and a study needs assessment will be undertaken where appropriate.  This enables recommendations to be made to the programme regarding reasonable adjustments.  As an employee of the NHS, trainees are also able to access occupational health and staff support services.



Questions regarding: Self-funding applications  

Are international students eligible for the DClinPsy programme at the University of Hertfordshire? ​International students are only eligible to apply for self-funded places on the programme and not NHS funded places.

Up to two fee-paying places will be available on the DClinPsy Hertfordshire programme in 2024. These are open to International, European and British applicants. Applications for our fee-paying places can be made directly to the programme via the University of Hertfordshire website or through the Clearing House website.

There is not a salary attached and it is the individual candidate's responsibility to ensure they have the means for funding prior to the start of the course. Travel expenses and living costs would need to be financed by the applicant. The full three-year course would need to be committed to. Please note that we are not aware of any current grants available from the University towards the fees or living costs. Campus accommodation is available at reduced rental for all students, although early application is recommended. 


Do you need UK based experience?

​You do not need to have UK based experiences although this could be advantageous in terms of understanding the profession and role. However, a lot of international applicants do not have UK based work experience. 


The website says 1 year of experience is needed as entry requirement, however is this just for international applicants or for any self-funding applicant?

All self-funding applicants have a minimum requirement of 1 years’ experience.



Questions regarding: The interview process  

What will the interview process look like this year?

Interviews will be held week between 7th and 10th May 2024.

It’s highly likely the interviews will stay remote for the foreseeable future given the volume of applicants.


How will you let me know if I have an interview?

All initial communication will be made through email. If we need to contact you at short notice, we will try to call you on the number provided in your application.



Questions regarding: Feedback

Can you receive feedback after interview?

Yes. Brief written feedback will be provided in your interview outcome letter.


Useful contacts and links

DClinPsy Administrators, Doctoral College

Please note the admin office closes at 4pm on a Friday