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Ethics Approval

Planning to undertake some research? If your research involves gathering information or data from human participants you will need ethics approval before you start.

Studies Involving Human Participants

Any research being undertaken by University of Hertfordshire staff and students must have ethics approval if human participants are involved in the study. This means that if you intend to gather information from humans you must seek ethics approval for your study before you start to collect data and recruit any participants.

You do not need UH ethics approval if your research is limited to using published secondary sources but should speak to your supervisor or School as you may have to make a declaration of secondary research.

More information

UH Ethics Approval Canvas Site

Quick Guide to Ethics Approval 


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Health, Science, Engineering and Technology Ethics Committee with Delegated Authority (ECDA)

Research and Enterprise Services

Today - Closed
Administrative support for this ECDA is provided by the Ethics Administration Department. This ECDA considers ethics applications for the following schools: Health, Medicine and Life Sciences; Physics, Engineering and Computer Science.

Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities Ethics Committee with Delegated Authority (ECDA)

Research and Enterprise Services

Today - Closed
Administrative support for this ECDA is provided by the Ethics Administration Department. This ECDA considers ethics applications for the following Schools: The Hertfordshire Business School, Creative Arts, and the School of Law and Education

Ethics Administration

Research and Enterprise Services

Today - Closed
This department provides administrative support for the Health, Science, Engineering and Technology ECDA and the Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities ECDA.