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Extending your Student Visa from the UK

Information about if you can make your Student Visa application from the UK, or if you need to return to your home country to apply.

Can I apply from the UK?

The only students who can extend their Student Visa in the UK are as follows:

  • Students who have successfully completed a course and are progressing to a new course at a higher level (as long as there are no more than 28 days between their visa expiry date and the new course start date)
  • Students who wish to go on placement or study abroad year and do not have enough time on their current visa to complete*
  • Students who need to repeat a course module or re-sit an exam and need to be in full-time attendance
  • Students who need to extend due to previously repeating a year
  • Students studying a PhD
  • Students applying for a role as a Student Union sabbatical officer
  • Student Union sabbatical officers who need to complete their course
  • Students studying part-time
  • Students transferring to UH from another institute who have had their Student license revoked

The following students will have to return to their home country and apply for new entry clearance:

  • Students who have not completed their course and wish to transfer to a new course and do not have enough time on their current visa to complete
  • Students on a study abroad year who need to return to the UK for their final year and their visa has expired
  • Students who wish to study a course at a lower level than their previous course
  • Students who do not need to be in attendance for 60 days or more

Can I switch from a different visa category? 

Only certain categories can switch from a different visa to Student Visa in the UK. See the Home Office website for a full list of who can switch to a Student Visa.

*Study Abroad and Placement

Students who wish to take a Study Abroad or Placement year and do not have enough time on their visa to complete their course, can apply for a Student Visa extension in the UK either before they start their study abroad or placement or after they have completed their study abroad or placement as long as there is enough leave left on their Student Visa to submit a visa extension application. We would advise students who wish to take a Study Abroad year to apply for their new Student Visa in their home country or the UK if their Student Visa is still valid, after they have completed studying abroad as they may not have time to apply for their visa to study in their chosen country and apply for a Student Visa extension before travelling to their overseas institution.

Part-time Courses

From 11th January 2018 HEIs with Student Sponsor status can sponsor students to study part-time courses leading to a qualification at RQF level 7 and above (Master’s level and above). Students currently studying full-time are not allowed to switch to part-time whilst in the UK, they must return to their home country and apply for a new visa. Part-time students are not allowed to work, including work placement or have dependants in the UK under PBS dependant leave. Students sponsored to undertake a part-time course will be granted leave for the full duration of the course and may remain in the UK throughout this period, but they must meet all relevant Student Visa requirements, e.g. full maintenance and immigration health surcharge and they will be subject to monitoring, reporting and other Student sponsor duties.

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Student Immigration Team (Advice)

Student Immigration Team (Advice and Compliance)

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