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Fit to Sit policy

Find out more about Fit to Sit policy.

What is the ‘fit to sit’ policy?

If you attend an exam or submit a coursework, you are declaring that you are fit to do so. However, there might be circumstances which could impact your ability to understand your ill health at the time of submission or attendance. The University operates a Fit to Sit policy which covers these circumstances. (See UPR AS14 Section C.3.8.4 ).

What circumstances are covered under the Fit to Sit policy?

  1. Where you suddenly become unwell during an examination or in-class test and elect to leave without completing the assessment.
  3. Where at the time of sitting or submitting the assessment concerned, you were suffering from serious ill health or other circumstances which impaired your ability to make a rational judgement as to your ability to take the assessment.

What is the time frame for Fit to Sit requests?

If your circumstances fall under the first option (becoming unwell during an exam or in-class test and electing to leave), you will need to submit your request by midnight on the calendar day of the assessment.

If your circumstance falls under the second option (you were not capable of understanding your performance would be affected) you must make a request within 15 working days of the assessment submission date but no later than 5 working days before the board.

How to submit the Fit to Sit request?

You will need to make your request using submit request on your Student Record. Click here for step-by-step guidance.

What evidence is required?

Each case is considered on its individual facts.

You will need to provide the University with evidence to support an exemption from the ‘fit to sit’ policy. Please make arrangements for the completion of the Exemption to Fit to Sit form and submit it to  

Evidence from a relevant professional must be provided on the Exemption from Fit to Sit form:

  • Doctor
  • Care provider
  • Domestic violence services
  • Disability advisers
  • Safeguarding officers
  • Counsellor
  • Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme.

The Exemption form needs to be provided within 30 calendar days.

What do I do if I have already received my results?

If you have already received your results, you will need to contact the Early Resolution Team by first filling out the Early Resolution Request Form. Once you have done this, the team will get in contact with you regarding your case. If you have any further queries regarding this, please email

What if my request is late?

If your request is outside of the timescale mentioned and the Board has met, you will need to contact the Early Resolution Team by filling out the Early Resolution Form. They will discuss your situation with you and advise you of the next steps to take.

Late submissions will not be accepted, unless explicitly supported by the relevant professional to the effect that they consider that it was not reasonable to expect you to submit your request within fifteen (15) working days of the assessment date. Please add the reason for lateness in your explanation.

Late submissions after your results have been issued must be made via Stage 1 – 3 of the process set out in UPR AS 12 Appendix 1 (Early Resolution and Appeals Process.)

What if my assessment was online or a summative quiz?

For all assessments submitted online via Canvas other than timed summative quizzes, you are indicating that you are ‘fit to sit’ by pressing the submit button.

In the case of a timed summative quiz on Canvas, you are indicating that you are ‘fit to sit’ by starting the quiz. If during a practice quiz, you have technical difficulties or other issues which means you will not be able to do the forthcoming summative quiz, you should submit an Exceptional Circumstances request via your Student Record

If after a successful practice quiz, you start the summative quiz but are unable to complete the quiz because of technical difficulty or disturbance at the location where you have completed the quiz – you should complete the Exceptional Circumstances request via your Student Record within 24 hours of the quiz start time.


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