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Gender-Neutral Toilets

Find out more about the Gender- Neutral Toilet facilities on campus

What are Gender-Neutral Toilets?

Gender-neutral toilets are simply toilets that can be used by people of any sex, gender, or gender identity, i.e. transgender, intersex, non-binary, female, male, etc. Some transgender and non-binary individuals may feel more comfortable using a non-gendered toilet facility but it is a choice. Anyone is welcome to use a gender-neutral toilet. 

Why did we introduce Gender-Neutral Toilets?

The Equality Diversity and Inclusion Office recognised the need for gender-neutral toilets on campus after receiving many requests from Herts SU, LGBT+ student society, individual students, and staff.  There were also concerns around the safety of trans and non-binary community using gendered toilets on campus. In some extreme cases, trans staff and students reported refraining from using the toilet all day because they found it too stressful. Many universities across the sector have also moved towards providing the option of gender-neutral toilets. 

Where are the toilets located?

Gender-Neutral Toilets are currently installed / being installed in the following locations:

College Lane:

  • J117, Learning Resources Centre (LRC) ground floor
  • K122 & K124, Learning Resources Centre (LRC) Annex
  • AA142, Art and Design Building
  • Innovation Centre
  • D435, Main Building 
  • Wright Building, ground floor in stairwell 
  • Spectra Building 

De Havilland:

  • Learning Resources Centre (LRC) first floor both sides
  • Enterprise Hub, ground floor
  • Weston Auditorium
  • Sports Village
  • Z153, MacLaurin Building, 1st floor between the lifts 

Gender-Neutral Toilets FAQs

Can anyone use the Gender-Neutral Toilets on campus?

Gender-neutral toilets are for any staff or student to use but please use the toilets respectfully and follow the rules.

I am a Trans individual and I'm not sure which toilet to use?

You should use whichever toilets you feel most comfortable using, including the toilets of your identified gender – not necessarily the gender you were assigned at birth. 

What if I don't want to use a Gender-Neutral Toilet?

There will always be female and male toilets close by for you to use. Please ask a member of staff for directions or follow the signs to the single sex toilets. 

I have witnessed or experienced unwanted behavior in a Gender-Neutral toilet on campus. Who do I contact?

Please contact the Equality Diversity and Inclusion Office via for guidance or for immediate support, please contact security to report inappropriate behavior. 

I have a query in regard to Gender-Neutral toilets. Who do I contact?

For any Gender-Neutral Toilet related queries or concerns, please contact the Equality Diversity and Inclusion Office via in the first instance.

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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Office

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Office

Today 09:00 - 17:00

The Office of the Dean of Students

Student Wellbeing

Today 09:00 - 16:00
Office of the Dean of Students, College Lane