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Global Week 2025

We are delighted to announce that Global Week 2025 will take place from 10  to 14 March 2025.


What happens during Global Week?

Global week is designed to celebrate inter-cultural awareness and showcase our fantastic international networks and partnerships. We have over a 140 international education partners globally with whom we collaborate to offer student exchanges, summer schools,  research projects and staff research.

During this week there will be a series of special events and activities across both our campuses. These will include and are not limited to international guest lectures across a variety of topics, Study Abroad fairs and in-module sessions for both students and staff.

Here's what's coming up (swipe left for details on the app):





Who is it for? 

Monday 10 March 

11.00 to  15.30 

Study Abroad Information Day 

Everything you need to know about studying abroad at one of our 140 overseas partners. Speak to our Study Abroad ambassadors about their experiences. Find out about available opportunities and funding. 

de Havilland LRC entrance area

Students and Staff (open event)

Monday 10 March-Friday 14 March 

10.00 to 17.00 

Local stories, Global destinations: The postcard connection 

LRC Exhibition of Postcards from the 4th Annual Global Charrette by Creative Arts Students from UH UK, Malaysia and Egypt.

*A parallel Exhibition will be held in the Lower Case Gallery, in CL Art and Design Building, from 3rd March  to 17th April.

de Havilland and College Lane LRC

Open event

Mon, Tue, Wed & Thu 10 March-13 March 

12.00 to 14.00 

Cultural Card Game

Ready to travel the world without leaving campus? Join us for a Cultural Card Game, where you'll ignite your ideas together with diverse minds to explore global traditions, customs, and fun facts—all through an interactive and thrilling card game! 

What to Expect?

  •  Engage in exciting gameplay while learning about different cultures.
  • Meet new friends from diverse backgrounds
  • Have fun while acquiring cultural awareness during lectures. 

de Havilland campus

Room L064

(inside the LRC)

Students (first come-first served/latest arrival time 13.30)

Mon, Tue, Wed & Thu  10 March-13 March 

12.00 to 14.00 

FIFA tournament

Gear up for the ultimate showdown as the Global Week FIFA tournament kicks off! A thrilling battle of skills, composure and luck awaits as players from diverse backgrounds come together to celebrate unity through the worlds most beloved game.

What to expect? 

  • A chance to meet other FIFA lovers 
  • Fast paced matches 
  • Fair play & Sportsmanship 

de Havilland campus

Room L064

(inside the LRC)

Students (first come-first served/latest arrival time 13.30)

Monday 10 March 

10:00 to 13:00

International Research Forum

Join us for an International Research Forum where academic staff at partner institutions worldwide will present the findings of their research.

The agenda is available below: 

Agenda IRF  

This event is part of Global Week and you can join in person at de Havilland, PG Centre R Block or remotely at: 

Join the meeting now 

Online and at de Havilland PG Centre (R) Block 

 Students and Staff 

Mon, Tue, Wed & Thu   10 March- 13 March 

9.00 to 17.00 

Wear your Traditional Attire with Pride

Global Week is here, and we want YOU to help us celebrate in style! we’re inviting all staff and students to rock your traditional attire and show off the amazing cultural diversity of our university.

There are prizes up for grabs
So whether it’s a vibrant sari, a sleek kilt, a colourful dashiki, or any other traditional wear, we can’t wait to see it. Let’s make campus a burst of culture, colour, and celebration! Don’t miss out—dress up, have fun, and maybe even win a prize!

Enter the prize completion by clicking the QR code below and adding your picture:

Prizes will be awarded on a daily basis.  

de Havilland campus 

Room L064

(inside the LRC)

 Students and staff

Mon, Tue, Wed & Thu 10 March- 13 March

9.00 to 17.00

Snap, Pose, Celebrate Global Week

Grab a prop, strike a pose, have fun. Don’t miss the picture-perfect moment!

There are prizes up for grabs
Enter the prize completion by clicking the QR code below and adding your picture:

Prizes will be awarded on a daily basis.  

de Havilland campus

Room L064 (inside LRC)

 Students and staff

Tuesday 11 March 

11.00 to 15.30 

Study Abroad Information Day 
Everything you need to know about studying abroad at one of our 150 overseas partners. Speak to our Study Abroad ambassadors about their experiences. Find out about available opportunities and funding. 

Forum Foyer 

Students and staff (open event)

Tuesday 11 March 

11.00 to 12.00 

Debate - Social Media: You, the Use and the Law 

This session brings together students and members of staff to debate the use of social media and the law. Is social media a curse? Should social media be regulated? Who should regulate the internet? Should the US ban Tiktok? 

de Havilland campus - Room V020  

Students and staff

Tuesday 11 March 

12.00 to 13.00 

Global Edge: Maximising your International Experience for Career Success 

Uncover the power of your international experiences to boost your career prospects. 

In this engaging and interactive session, you’ll learn how to highlight the skills, knowledge, and perspectives developed through studying, working, or living abroad.  

Discover practical strategies to confidently present your global experience in job applications and interviews, helping you stand out to employers and advance your career aspirations. 

de Havilland campus - Room W030 


Tuesday 11 March 

11.00 to 12.00 

Languages Taster sessions

1. Japanese 
2. Mandarin 

1. Room M130

2. Room M136 

Students and staff (first come-first served - max 22)

Tuesday 11 March 

12.00 to 13.00 

Languages Taster session 


Room M136 

Students and staff (first come-first served - max 22)

Tuesday 11 March 

13.00 to 14.00 

Languages Taster sessions

1.  French
2.  Spanish 

1. Room M136

2. Room M130 

Students and staff (first come-first served - max 22)

Tuesday 11 March

14:00 to 15:00

Study Abroad - 2025 Summer Schools Online Webinar

Have you thought of studying abroad but unsure about it or not able to take a semester or year within your degree?

Then why not take a look at a summer school? You will get a fantastic adventure living in another country and get the skills and experience which will improve your job prospects when you graduate. Click on the link to attend it.



Zoom Meeting

Study Abroad - Summer Schools Link

Meeting ID: 919 9487 1905

All students - UG and PG

Wednesday 12 March

11.00 to 11:30 

Languages Taster sessions  (led by students) 


de Havilland campus  Room M139

Students and staff (first come-first served - max 24)


Wednesday 12 March 

12.00-  to 13.00 

Discovering Finnish Happiness

Guest lecture:  Paula Vuorinen from JAMK 

de Havilland campus  Room M135 

Students and staff (first come-first served - max 24)

Wednesday 12 March 

13.30 to 14.30 

Graduate Attributes Workshop

By Dr. Phil Porter

At this workshop you will take part in a variety of interactive exercises to engage with the University of Hertfordshire Graduate Attributes, which are designed to provide you with the skills and qualities required to succeed at University and beyond!

Engaging and fun group tasks will form part of the workshop and there will be prizes and other treats on offer for participants! 

College Lane campus  Wright Building  Room F326


This event is limited to 20 participants so you may wish to register your interest via email to


Thursday 13 March  - 15 March



Meet our Partner in Paris 

A visit to our Study Abroad Partner University IPAG in France 

A selection of 15 first year students from across UH - (selection process completed)

Friday 14 March 


Collaborative Online International Learning in Action

Pilot project briefing session 

Online event at scheduled Programme Leader forum 

Programme Leaders

Friday 14 March 

12.30 to 13.30 

Global Edge: Maximising your International Experience for Career Success

Uncover the power of your international experiences to boost your career prospects. In this engaging and interactive session, you’ll learn how to highlight the skills, knowledge, and perspectives developed through studying, working, or living abroad. Discover practical strategies to confidently present your global experience in job applications and interviews, helping you stand out to employers and advance your career aspirations. 

Online eventLink to join the session 


Wednesday 19 March 






Collaborative Online International Learning Project with the Hague University of Applied Sciences.


Selected undergraduate students on BSc Dietetics Programme

Thursday 20 March 




Central Connecticut State University visit to Herts

13 students and professors will be visiting our campuses.





Contact Us

Study Abroad

Student Administration Service (SAS)

Today - Closed
Study Abroad Office, College Lane Campus