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Making a Complaint

What to do if you want to make the University aware that something has gone wrong

The University of Hertfordshire aims to ensure that it's students have a good educational and social experience, but as with any large complex organisation, it is always possible that unsatisfactory circumstances may occur.

We hope that you are enjoying your studies and that we never give you reason to complain.  However, if there is something you are not happy with please tell us so that we can try to put matters right.  

Click here for more information: Student and Applicant Complaints UPR SA16 version 3.1 and Bullying and Harassment UPR EQ10 version 04.0

How does making a Complaint work?

The University has a 2-stage Complaints procedure:-

  • Informal (Preliminary) Stage
  • Formal Stage

Complainants must complete each Stage before progressing on to the next.

Deadline - a complaint must be made either orally or in writing, and lodged within 3 calendar months of the date on which the incident occurred.

Complaints Procedure - Informal (Preliminary) Stage

First, try and resolve any issues informally. 

For Non-Academic Informal Complaints contact the the Head of the Strategic Business Unit in which the incident occurred.

For Academic Informal Complaints contact your Programme Leader.

If you are not sure who this would be, please contact Ask Herts who can help to escalate this to the most appropriate person in the relevant department/School. Please include as much detail as you can in your email to us, as well as your desired outcome so that we can attempt to resolve your issue.

Complaints Procedure - Formal Stage 

If you have previously made an initial Informal Complaint and have received a response but are dissatisfied with the outcome you can raise a Formal Complaint

Please complete the Notification of a Formal Complaint Form and return it as applicable to either the Dean of School for an Academic Complaint or the relevant Head of Strategic Business Unit. If you are not sure who this would be, please email who can advise you.

Complaints Procedure - Review by the Vice-Chancellor

Deadline - within 10 working days of the date of the Letter of Decision sent to you 

If you have previously made a Formal Complaint and are dissatisfied with the outcome you may request a review by the Vice-Chancellor. Please complete Formal Complaint – Review by the Vice-Chancellor form in full and return it to

Frequently asked questions: Student and Applicant Complaints - FAQs

 You are also asked to read guidance on this procedure.

Please also see the Flowchart of Student Complaints Process

The OIA - Office of the Independent Adjudicator

The University subscribes to the OIA - the Independent Student Complaints scheme for England and Wales. If you wish to seek a review by the OIA you will need to provide them with a copy of the Completion of Procedures Letter to confirm the conclusion of the University's internal procedures. Please email if you require this letter.

For practical and impartial advice and support please contact:




Contact Us

Herts SU

Hertfordshire Students' Union

Today 10:00 - 16:00
Herts SU (College Lane), College Lane
Today 10:00 - 16:00
This office is open term-time only. Please refer to the Herts SU website for further details.
Herts SU (De Havilland), De Havilland

Student Procedures

Office of the Dean of Students

Today 08:30 - 16:00
Based in Student Wellbeing, Hutton Hub, College Lane