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Meningitis - stay safe and get your vaccination

All students living on campus should be vaccinated to help protect them from Meningitis

If you are living on campus you should make sure you get your vaccination.   Students living in halls are at higher risk of catching meningitis due to the number of people living in one place.

Meningitis kills.   Do not wait until you or someone you know feels unwell to get protected. 

There is a vaccination called Men ACWY - this is different to the MenC or MenB vaccination that you might have had as a child.  It protects against a particularly nasty strain of meningitis. 

If you are reading this before you come to live on campus, please go to your doctor and ask them to give you the vaccination before you arrive.  If you are already on campus or if your local doctor cannot give you the vaccine, register with our medical centre and ask them for the vaccination. 

You only need to get this vaccination once and it could save your life so why wait?


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Medical Centre

Student Wellbeing

Today - Closed
Please call us to make an appointment to discuss your needs. Please do not visit the premises unless asked to do so; due to Covid-19 all queries are being dealt with over telephone and e-consultation.
Medical Centre, College Lane