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Sexuality and Gender Identity

Self Help Resources

If you are looking for some supportor advice regarding Sexuality and Gender Identity, please see below some Self Help Resources you may find helpful. 
Please also see our Student Wellbeing Services page for further support and advice.

We recommend


Other sources of support

Albert Kennedy Trust, AKT

Supports LGBTQ+ young people aged 16-25 in the uk who are facing or experiencing homelessness or living in a hostile environment.

The Beaumont Society

Help and support for the transgender community.  Including counselling and support groups.


LGBT+ anti-violence charity.  LGBT+ Hate Crime Helpline open Monday to Friday, 10am-4pm.  Tel: 020 7704 2040  Email:

Gendered Intelligence

Understanding gender diversity in creative ways. Information and support.  Youth groups for under 21s.

GIRES - Gender Identity Research and Education Society

Volunteer operated membership charity that, in collaboration with the other groups in its field, hears, helps, empowers and gives a voice to trans and gender non-conforming individuals, including those who are non-binary and non-gender, as well as their families.

Herts Mind Network Hertfordshire based mental health charity running an online LGBTQ+ support group.

LGBTQ Muslim Charity.

LGBT Foundation

Advice, support, information and a wide range of services to support, lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people.

London Friend

Support and LGBT counselling. Services are delivered by a small staff team and around 100 trained LGBT volunteers.


Equality and diversity charity providing health, community and youth services in England. Range of support, including LGBTQ counselling.

Mind Out

LGBTQ mental health service.  Advice, information, advocacy and support.

Mind Outcome

Client-led LGBTQ+ mental health service, Islington, London.

Mindline Trans+

National helpline.  Confidential  emotional, mental health support helpline for people who identify as Transgender, Agender, Gender Fluid, Non-binary… 

Mosaic Trust

LGBT+ activities, programs and services.

The National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline

Advice and support for people who have experienced domestic abuse. Tel: 0800 999 5428 Email: 

Opening Doors London (ODL)

Charity providing information and support services specifically for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT+) people over 50 in the UK.

Press for Change

Experts in Transgender Law.

RU Coming Out

First hand accounts of experiences coming out.


LGBTQ support. Trans services - counselling, peer mentoring, groups and workshops. Non binary group.


LGBT+ confidential phone line and support services.  Tel: 0300 330 0630 Email: Online Chat:


Comprehensive directory of the groups campaigning for, supporting or assisting trans and gender non-conforming individuals, including those who are non-binary and non-gender, as well as their families across the UK.


Transgender and Non-Binary Support Group.  Group monthly meetings, swim sessions and more.  Hertfordshire based.

Young Pride in Herts

Run by Services for Young People in collaboration with young LGBT+ people in the county and provides information and advice on a range of issues, including gender identity, coming out, taking care of your health and what to do if you are experiencing hate crime.


Free 24/7 Helpline via PAM Wellness:

Alongside our inhouse wellbeing team we also have a Student Assistance Programme called PAM Wellness, where you can access in-the-moment confidential support or guidance. Just call 0808 196 3533 - it's free. confidential and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

PAM Wellness counsellors are there to listen to you whatever your problem, whether it is personal or student-related.

You can also contact the helpline if you require any financial, legal or medical information, such as budgets, physical health and landlord issue. And if English is not your langauage. let the cousnellor know when you call and they'll be able to help you.


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Student Wellbeing

Today 8.30 - 17:00
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