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Stammer or Stutter

Student Wellbeing are able to provide advice and guidance for you during your studies

Supporting you in presentations

Students who have a stammer or stutter can often find presenting to a large group of people unmanageable. 

Disability Advisers within Student Wellbeing might be able to 

  • Write a Study Needs Agreement which can identify adjustments such as presenting only to a small group of people
  • Inform the teaching team of ways they can support you
  • Arrange for Specialist Tuition for a limited period of time to develop strategies to enable you to manage your anxieties
  • Discuss possible modes of support to enable you to reach your potential and demonstrate your knowledge in a way that suits you

Adjustments are dependent on the nature of your course and the University must ensure that all core learning and professional body requirements are met by all students.

To ensure the safety of all Students and Staff we will deliver an online and telephone based service. All of our advisors and counsellors are well equipped to work online, without compromising on the quality of the support we offer.


Face – face appointments will only be delivered for those with specific requirements and where online appointments are deemed unsuitable. In these cases, students’ needs will be assessed and UH and Government guidance will be followed at all times regarding face coverings and PPE


Student should self-refer into our service via: and if you have any questions do contact us via: or call us on: 01707 284453


Free 24/7 Helpline via Health Assured:

All UH students will have access to a free 24/7 helpline from Sept 2021.

If you need immediate wellbeing/emotional support,  financial, legal, non-urgent medical advice or grief support call: 0800 028 3766 and use Username: wellbeing,  Password: LakeMindCard1

Contact Us

Student Wellbeing

Today 8.30 - 17:00
Student Wellbeing is closed at weekends and during holiday periods.
Hutton Hub, College Lane