What is the Community Garden?
Whether you are an expert or a complete novice, the Allotment Plots on College Lane Campus offer a brilliant opportunity to develop new skills and knowledge, all whilst unwinding in the fresh air.
The plots are situated opposite the Telford Court Common Room (a short distance up the path from The Key), and offer plenty of fresh water via water butts with gardening equipment on hand to borrow.
This area is maintained by staff and student volunteers, and has grown dramatically since October 2017.
What can I find there?
So far, various vegetables have been planted within the plots. This includes lettuce, chard, potatoes, onions, garlic, broccoli and sprouts. The possibilities are endless!
You will find plenty of seating in this area. Not only are these green spaces used to plant and grow veg on campus, but they are also wonderful areas to spend time in, for peaceful reflection and enjoying the pleasant weather!
Is this available on both campuses?
We are very excited to be in the process of introducing a Community Garden over on our de Havilland Campus. This is currently in the planning stages, and we are looking forward to working on design ideas with our staff and students.
How can I get involved?
To find out more information, email the team within the Dean of Students Office via community@herts.ac.uk.
Also check out our videos on YouTube: 'Gardening as a Social Activity' and 'Gardening to improve my mental health at University'.