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Understanding Mental Health - Training and Awareness

Student wellbeing are very proud and fortunate to have collaborated with Hertfordshire Mind Network who will be delivering a series of bookable workshops open to staff and students.

Update 01/06/2024:
Our mental health awareness sessions have finished for the 2023/24 academic year. However, we will soon be planning a new schedule of sessions for the 2024/25 academic year and once this has been finalised this page will be updated with information on how to book. 

If you would like to attend one or all of the sessions they are running on alternate Wednesdays at 2pm during term time, lasting between 1.5 and 2 hours dependant on the session. Sessions are delivered online via Teams. There is no limit to the number of sessions you can attend. 

Training sessions we can offer:

Emotional Wellbeing and Coping Strategies

This workshop focuses on how to maintain positive mental and emotional health. It gives a brief overview of what happens in our brains when we feel emotionally overwhelmed and provides 3 key steps for how to identify our feelings and take control of our response to them. Attendees will learn research based self-help strategies for positive emotional wellbeing.

By the end of the session attendees will be expected to:

  • Have a broad understanding of emotional wellbeing
  • Have practical self-help strategies to understand and manage strong emotions
  • Know where to access further support if it is needed

Reducing Isolation and Social Anxiety

It is estimated that somewhere between 6% and 13% of the UK population often feel lonely and this has a devastating impact on physical and mental health.

This workshop will explore the differences between loneliness and isolation and its causes and impact. Attendees will also learn where to find support and be able to develop practical tools they can implement to combat loneliness and isolation. This workshop will also explore what social anxiety is, its impact and how to develop tools to manage it.

What it will cover:

  • What is loneliness and social anxiety
  • What causes and impacts loneliness
  • How to overcome social anxiety and meet others
  • Practical tips to challenge loneliness and isolation

Building Assertiveness and Confidence

This workshop will explore the difference between assertiveness and other communication styles. The aim of the workshop is to develop attendees’ ability to speak in an assertive and confident way.

What it will cover:

  • Exploring different types of communication styles
  • Definition, beliefs, motivations, appearance and results of different communication styles
  • How to be more assertive
  • Practical tips

 Reducing Study Stress

The aim of this training is to improve participant’s stress management and support individuals to become more resilient. Participants will develop greater awareness of stress and gain personal stress management abilities to help deal with exam stress and other day-to-day stressors.

What it will cover:

  • Be able to recognise stress, understand its impact, consider how much stress is too much stress and be aware of how to recognise personal stressors.
  • Assess your own resilience and personal strengths
  • Know how to take appropriate action in response to stress, lessening the risk of stress having an adverse effect on emotional health and general wellbeing.
  • Develop positive responses to situations that cannot be changed and strategies to prevent feeling overwhelmed.
  • Understand how to stand up to stress and how to see it as an opportunity for personal growth, development and building resilience.

 Spot the Signs Youth Suicide Prevention Training 

This session provides an overview of the Spot the Signs Youth Suicide Prevention Campaign, giving attendees a general understanding of youth suicide and exploring practical suicide prevention techniques.

By the end of the session attendees will be expected to:

  • Have a broad awareness of suicide in younger populations
  • Have an understanding of risk factors and warning signs for suicide
  • Have a basic understanding of responding to suicidal behaviours
  • Know where and when to signpost for additional support

Managing Anxiety and Panic

This session provides information on the different types of anxiety condition and how they present. Attendees will be provided with an overview of the common warning signs and causes of anxiety. The session will help improve confidence in managing anxiety and panic. The session closes by ensuring attendees are aware of the support available for individuals across Hertfordshire and nationally in the form of support services, apps and websites.

By the end of the session, attendees will be expected to:

  • Have an increased knowledge as to what anxiety is and what it looks/feels like
  • Develop an understanding around different types of anxiety based mental health conditions
  • Spot the warning signs of increasing anxiety/panic
  • Identify some common causes of anxiety
  • Be more equipped to manage anxiety and support others with anxiety
  • Have an awareness of further anxiety services, apps or websites

Sleeping Well

We spend about a third of our lives asleep. It is as important to our bodies as eating, drinking and breathing, and is vital for maintaining good mental and physical health. Sleeping helps us to recover from mental as well as physical exertion. This course is for anyone who would like to improve the quality of their sleep by making some changes in the areas of Health, Environment, Attitude and Lifestyle.

What it will cover:

  • Understand the importance of good quality sleep and its impact on physical and mental health
  • Explore how Health, Environment, Attitude and Lifestyle impact the quality of sleep
  • Examine how negative thoughts around sleep can impact its quality
  • Set goals to make positive changes in these areas to improve the overall quality of sleep

Understanding Self-Harm

This session outlines common types of self-harming behaviour and how they may begin. Attendees will be provided with information on the common warning signs and causes of self-harm. The session will help improve confidence in attendees managing self-harm and  support others by having conversations about self-harming behaviours. The session closes by ensuring attendees are aware of the support available for individuals across Hertfordshire and nationally in the form of support services, apps and websites.

By the end of the session, attendees will be expected to:

  • Have an increased knowledge as to how self-harm begins
  • Be able to spot the warning signs of self-harm
  • Consider the effect of myths and stigma on how you approach the topic of self-harm
  • Be more equipped to support others with managing their self-harming
  • Have an awareness of further self-harm support services, apps or websites


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