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University ID card photo specification

Find out how to create the correct photo for your University ID card

Use your smartphone, or other digital device, to create and upload a photograph for your new University ID card 

Follow these guidelines to get it right the first time. 
Please be aware that unsuitable photos will be rejected and may delay the issuing of your ID card. 

The maximum photo size is 3 MB 

Your photograph must:

  • Be a close-up of your head and shoulders
  • Be of you facing forward and looking straight at the camera
  • Be taken against a plain, light background
  • Be in colour
  • Clearly show the top of your head to the bottom of your chin
  • Be clear and in sharp focus, with a clear difference between your face and the background
  • Be taken with your eyes open and visible (no sunglasses or tinted glasses and no hair across your eyes)
  • Show your full head, without any head covering unless you wear one for reasons of faith or medical reasons
  • Show you on your own (there shouldn’t be other people in the photo)
  • Not have anything covering your face – you should make sure nothing covers the outline of your eyes, nose or mouth
  • Be taken within the last month (if uploaded)

Your photograph must not:

  • Be altered or enhanced by computer software
  • Include any filters or accessories from photographic apps e.g. Snapchat
  • Be a photograph or screenshot of another ID photo. For example, a photograph of your current passport will be rejected.  

Size and resolution:

Your photo must be:

  • At the appropriate angle (no rotation required)
  • At least 600 pixels wide and 750 pixels tall
  • At least 50KB and no more than 3MB
  • Resolution at least 300dpi (Dots per Inch)

Example of a 'good' photograph 

You can upload your appropriate photo via the link below;

(Please be aware that you must have previously set up your UH Account)