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What is Study Abroad?

What are the study abroad and exchange opportunities at the University of Hertfordshire?

What is study abroad?

The University encourages students to take the opportunity to study abroad. By spending part of your degree at a partner university in another country, you can benefit from the challenges and rewards of living, working, and studying in another environment. With different horizons, different approaches and different encounters, study abroad enriches you both personally and educationally, and has also been found to improve your future career prospects.

The University has many well-established partnerships with universities and business schools in mainland Europe as well as in Asia, North America and Australia. It now also has a small number of partnerships in Latin America and Africa. Most students will follow taught courses, however, on some programmes others will often combine a study period with a work placement.

You can choose to take a semester or a full academic year at one of our partners depending on your programme requirements. In Year Two (a ‘Replacement Year’), you will need to study an equivalent of 60 UH credits per semester and in English. In an additional Placement Year (an ‘Intercalated Year’), you must study a minimum of 45 UH credits per semester. You will gain academic recognition for your study abroad at all partners. In Europe, credit transfer is based on the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). You can find out how study abroad is recognised on the 'Study Abroad - Academic recognition page'.

If you'd like to learn more, refer to

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Study Abroad Office

Student Administration Service (SAS)

Today 9:00 - 17:00
Study Abroad Office, Collage Lane Campus
Today 9:00 - 17:00
Study Abroad Office, College Lane Campus