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18+ Student Oyster Card

If you are unsure whether you qualify please email us. TfL will not refund your application fee if your application is not successful.

Eligible students can apply for the card and get 30% off the price of adult-rate Travelcards and Bus & Tram Pass season tickets.

Please note as a Higher Education Institution (with all courses level 4 or above) the University is NOT registered to approve applications for TfL's 16+ Oyster photocard scheme.

Who is eligible?

Please check you meet TfL's eligibility criteria before you apply. If you are unsure whether you qualify please email us  and we will be happy to advise you. TfL will not refund your application fee if your application is not successful.

To get an 18+ Student Oyster photocard you must be...

  • A student aged 18 or over
  • Living at a London address during term time
  • Registered on a full-time course with the University of Hertfordshire 

Some Part-Time students may also be eligible. Please visit the Transport for London (TFL) website to see the full eligibility criteria and apply online.

If you are on your placement year...

As the University of Hertfordshire is registered on the TfL scheme you must apply for your Oyster card online (subject to the eligibility criteria above). Please DO NOT apply under the Work placement scheme as we are unable to provide you with the confirmation letter requested by TfL.

New students...

We are unable to approve your application until you are fully registered on the course.  Therefore we advise you to submit it after stage 2 registration is complete (and your student record shows your status as 'registered').

Degree Apprenticeship Students...

TfL has a separate Oyster card scheme designed especially for apprentices. If you are studying for a degree apprenticeship with the University of Hertfordshire you may be eligible to apply for the Apprentice Oyster Photocard which also offers up to 30% off. You can find more information about this scheme and how to apply here.

If we have approved your application...

Please note TfL require the University to undertake regular eligibility checks throughout the year. If you cease to be eligible for the scheme your card will be cancelled by TfL. If the end date of your course has changed due to repeating a year(s), a change of course or starting a new course you would have to re-apply for an Oyster card through the TFL website as your current card is only eligible up until the original end date of the card and cannot be extended.

Tips for completing the online application:

  • Make sure you check your eligibility before you apply.
  • Make sure you check the requirements when uploading your photograph as your application could be rejected.
  • Make sure your term time address is up to date on your Student Record.
  • Make sure that you enter your full first name and surname to match what is on the student record. Your application will be rejected if the names on your application do not match your Student Record.
  • Make sure that you enter the correct student number - this should be your 8 digit University of Hertfordshire member number which is shown on your Student ID card.

Contact Us

Ask Hutton

Student Enquiries and Enrolment Team (SEET)

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Contact form: Our ID Services will be unavailable all day Friday 21st March. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Ask de Havilland

Student Enquiries and Enrolment Team (SEET)

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Contact form: Our ID Services will be unavailable all day Friday 21st March. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Ask Innovation

Student Enquiries and Enrolment Team (SEET)

Today - Closed
Contact form: Our ID Services will be unavailable all day Friday 21st March. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.