A Diagnostic Assessment is only necessary if you really want to find out if you have a Specific Learning Difficulty such as Dyslexia or Dyspraxia. There is a charge to all students, but the service is heavily subsidised by the University.
All students who meet the criteria below can request information from StudentWellbeing@herts.ac.uk
You must:
- Be registered on a course at the University of Hertfordshire (including consortium colleges West Herts, North Herts, Oaklands and HRC)
- Have one full semester of study left on your course when you make your payment and book the assessment
- Not already have a diagnostic assessment which meets the DSA requirements
- Not have a conflicting condition which would negate the outcome of an assessment
- Not be studying at a partner or affiliate college/university
The best way to find out if an assessment is necessary is to make an appointment to meet with a Disability Adviser to discuss your difficulties and they can advise on the best course of action.
Students can explain the difficulties they are having and ask for an appointment by completing the StudyRelated Support form
If you want to apply for a Disabled Students' Allowance for support with your Specific Learning Difficulty, you will need to provide a copy of a full diagnostic assessment, or medical evidence which outlines your condition and the impact on your studies.