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Additional online information resources for your subject

How to find and access our online resources to support your studies

Library Search gives you access to all the e-books and journal articles that we have access to. However, we also have many more resources that go beyond Library Search. These include databases, where you can search the journal literature more widely available, and subject-specific primary sources, such as video/film resources, mapping databases, and image/anatomy databases.

Please note that to access the following you will first need to log into StudyNet with your Herts username and password.   

Subject Toolkits

The Subject Toolkits on the Online Library page give you access to subject-specific resources. They are arranged by general subject. Check the resources on your subject toolkit to see if there is anything specific you need to know about access to those resources. For example, British Standards requires FileOpen plugin to download reports.

Subject Toolkits are organised by Information Managers

Click through the links below to explore our Subject Toolkits:

Biosciences Culture, Media and Communication Humanities Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics
Business Education Law Politics and International Relations
Computer Science Engineering Nutrition and Dietetics Psychology
Creative Arts Geography, Environment and Planning Optometry Social Care
Criminology Health Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Sports

Don't forget to access your module reading list via your Canvas module for all your essential, recommended, and background reading for your course. 

We’re digitising as many essential chapters and articles as possible as well as increasing ebook versions of the most popular textbooks.


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General Reference Toolkit

The General Reference Toolkit includes maps, statistical data, newspapers, databases, and official information sources, and is designed to be used by all students regardless of school or subject of study.

The General Reference Toolkit includes:


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Research Skills Support

Go to the Library SkillUP module to develop your research skills, from basic to more advanced literature searching techniques, essay writing and referencing guidelines.

Hertfordshire Public Libraries provide access to online reference sources for residents.  Herts students can register here. 

Contact Us

 Ask Herts - Search for guidance on Library services/resources such as book borrowing and Inter-Library loans.

 Helpdesk 24/7.

 Ask a Librarian - Monday to Friday 10.00 - 16.00 via Library SkillUP chat.


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Contact Us

Helpdesk - Library and Computing Services

Library and Computing Services

Today - Open 24 Hours
Please refer to the LCS Service Status page for updates on service availability. Online and telephone support is available 08:00 to 18:00 Monday - Friday with telephone support only available outside of these times.