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Sustainability at Herts - How To Get Involved

How To Get Involved

We offer a range of opportunities for you to get involved with sustainability at the University of Hertfordshire. Check out our student induction video here to learn more. 

1. Follow us on our socials:

2. Upcoming Events:


Date & Time

 Activity & Location


Sign up?

Saturday 6th July


Community Litter Pick

- Meet outside the Hatfield Swim Centre

Join the Love Welwyn Hatfield Litter Pickers in keeping the local area tidy and protecting wildlife.


Tuesday 9th July


Planting session

- The Key Garden, CL

Join our Grounds Team at The Key and have a go at planting to create a sensory space on our campus. Open to all UH students and staff.


Monday 15th July


Campus Butterfly Count

- Meet at the entrance of Ellenbrook Fields, DH

Join us this lunchtime for the Big Butterfly Count and help gather vital data to save butterflies and moths. Open to all Herts students and staff. You can also take part individually here: 

Register interest

Tuesday 16th July


Campus Butterfly Count

- Meet outside Main Reception, CL

Join us this lunchtime for the Big Butterfly Count and help gather vital data to save butterflies and moths. Open to all Herts students and staff.  You can also take part individually here: 

Register interest

Wednesday 17th July


A Wilder Future for Hertfordshire and Middlesex - Talk

- St Albans Cathedral / Online

The Wildlife Trust will be delivering a talk at St Albans Cathedral. You can attend in person or online. Tickets are £6.00.



3. UH Sustainability Advocates Programme:  

 Do you want to earn points towards your Go Herts Award and increase your employability whilst making a different at Herts? Become a UH Sustainability Advocate! Learn new skills, make a difference, and meet new people. Find out more here.

4. How to be a sustainable student 

> Climate change

- Energy usage: Only boiling the water you need, turning appliances off when not in use

- Travel: Active travel (walk/cycle) and use public transport/carshare where you can.

- Food:

The food choices we make can have a significant impact on the environment, often more than we may think. Aside from being responsible for about 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions, some of our favourite foods may also be driving deforestation, changes in land use, biodiversity loss, pollution, and water supply stress. 

To help the UH community make more informed choices, we have partnered with Aramark to display the environmental foodprint of all our meals in the College Lane food court, with Starbucks, Rore, and DeHavilland food court coming later in January. 

- Stuff: Buy less, buy local, buy ethical, buy secondand

> Biodiversity

- Nature Positive Universities - Student Ambassador 

The University of Hertfordshire has pledged to become a Nature Positive University. This pledge is to restore species and ecosystems that have been harmed by the university’s actions as well as enhance the university’s positive impacts on nature.

Become a Student Ambassador!

Nature Positive Universities are developing a thriving Student Ambassadors programme, empowering students to take action for nature on their campuses towards Nature Positive and share experiences and resources with other students across the world. An activities toolkit will be provided, and you can share your actions for nature on social media with the #GenerationRestoration. 

Your role:

  • Attend a monthly drop-in video meeting with other Student Ambassadors to share nature related news and activities from your campus (beginning in January 2023)
  • Commit to volunteering with us approx. 1-2 hours a week for a minimum of a university term
  • Organise one or more activities on campus from activities toolkit
  • Stay in touch with us to let us know any queries and if you are unable to continue volunteering

Learn more here.

- Allotment Workshops

Groundwork East run gardening sessions at the allotment plots, near Telford Court on College Lane every Wednesday 1-3pm during term time.  Sign up here

- Biodiversity walks

- Conservation workshops/talks

> Waste and resources

You can apply the University Waste Hierarchy when making your purchasing decisions. Reduced buying is the best option whenever possible.

– Get a discount when purchasing hot drinks on campus by using a reusable cup. 

- Join us for a litter pick to help keep our campus clean!

- Food waste

Plan your shopping list and discover recipes to use up leftovers to prevent food waste.

Try out apps like Too good to go and Olio to save food from going to waste. 

We are also hoping to relaunch the community fridge so that the university community can donate food that they will not use up.

  • Local community volunteering opportunities

- Sustainable St Albans

- Highfield Park Trust

- Panshanger Park


Contact Us

UH Sustainability

Environment and Sustainability

Today - Closed