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Common council tax queries

Some common questions students ask about council tax exemption.

Withdrawing from your course

You must notify your local council immediately. If you are no longer a student then you are not eligible for Council Tax exemption.

Should you register to study at another institution you will need to contact that institution to obtain an exemption certificate from them.

Transferring from one course to another

Request a new certificate (as long as your new course is eligible for exemption).

If there is a gap in your studies between leaving one course and joining another, you may be required to pay council tax for that period.

You are being sent letters from the council but we have processed your exemption request

Contact the council to find out the dates the letters relate to -

Are you registered as a student for the period you have been asked to pay Council Tax?
No You may be required to pay
Yes Make sure the council have a copy of your exemption certificate

What is an Exemption Notice?

The Exemption Notice is confirmation of the period where you are not required to pay council tax - keep it for your records.

Do I have to apply for Council Tax exemption every year?

Yes, most councils require you to apply every year.

Some will accept your initial certificate (and only require a new one if your circumstances change). It doesn't hurt to provide a new one each year to ensure that your details are up-to-date.

You are on a placement year

If your course is eligible for Council Tax exemption you will not have to pay while you are on a placement year.

I have finished my course and am waiting to graduate - am I still eligible? 

No, you are only eligible for council tax exemption while you are actively studying.

New and Returning Students

You must be a fully registered student to request council tax exemption.

  • New students, you must have registered on your course
  • Returning students, you must have re-enrolled

Contact Us

Council Tax Queries

Student Enquiries and Enrolment Team (SEET)

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Hutton Hub, College Lane