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Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award (IDEA)

Inspirational courses and awards to help you to develop your digital capability and confidence

The Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award, known as IDEA, is an international award winning programme that helps you to develop digital, enterprise and employability skills. You can choose a wide selection of short bite size courses which can help you to gain your Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards. It is the digital equivalent of the Duke of Edinburgh award.

Why is it important?

The IDEA programme is directly aligned to the Herts graduate attributes especially supporting you to be “digitally capable and confident.”

Find out how it can benefit your studies, broaden your experience, and give you the ideal edge in your career.

How do I sign up?

You can sign up for free on our dedicated IDEA site on Canvas to find out more and discover support available to you at Herts.

How else can I develop my digital skills and capability?

  • To help you get started shortly after arriving, you can use the Get started with Herts Digital Checklist.
  • You have access to LinkedIn Learning which gives you access to online learning resources in key areas including Business, Creative and Technology as well as study and vocational skills.
  • You can also self-assess, broaden and deepen your digital skills in many different ways

Need help?

If you need additional guidance to make the most of IDEA or develop your digital skills and capabilities, please speak to a Student Technology Mentor or send an email to