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Pregnancy and your Student visa 

Important information regarding pregnancy for Student visa holders

Pregnancy and your Student visa 

If you are studying on a Student visa and you are pregnant, it is very important that you talk to a Student Immigration adviser as soon as possible. If you find you need a break in your studies due to pregnancy this can impact on our ability to continue to sponsor your visa.

Unfortunately, there is no provision in the Immigration Rules for maternity leave if you are studying on a Student visa.

Those on Student visas are required to be in full time attendance, on campus. Attendance is monitored for all students and non-attendance will result in your withdrawal from studies, and your Student visa sponsorship being stopped. If this happens you will need to leave the UK.

If you are pregnant and studying on a Student visa your options are either; defer your studies or continue your studies with a short period of authorised absence.

Deferring your studies:

If you choose to defer your studies this will usually result in withdrawal of your Student visa sponsorship and your visa being cancelled by the Home Office. Once you have deferred your studies you will need to make plans to leave the UK. You will need to apply for a new visa from overseas to return to studies as your current Student visa would no longer be valid.

Requesting a short period of absence from studies:

Short periods of absence can be requested here

Please note that any period of absence, regardless of the reason must not affect your ability to complete your studies by your visa end date. If you are unable to complete your studies on time your absence will not be approved. If you take unauthorised absence which affects your ability to complete on time your visa sponsorship will be stopped and you will need to leave the UK.

Further support:

Our team of Student Immigration Advisers are available to see students for visa advice.

You may also consider contacting the Wellbeing team for further support:

For more information on travelling whilst pregnant please read the NHS's Travelling in pregnancy webpage:



Contact Us

Student Immigration Team (Advice)

Student Immigration Team (Advice and Compliance)

Today 2pm - 3:30pm
Wednesday Drop-in at DeHav
Ask Herts (Hutton Hub), College Lane

Student Immigration Team (Compliance)

Student Immigration Team (Advice and Compliance)

Today 08:30 - 17:00
Ask Herts (Hutton), College Lane