We can either borrow or purchase items to support the learning, teaching and research needs of the academic community
Students and Postgraduate Researchers:
If the item is for your dissertation, research or individual studies, we can:
- Borrow a print book from another library for you to collect from your preferred UH Campus LRC via our interlibrary loan (ILL) service.
- Email you an article/chapter or a ProQuest Thesis link to a PDF for you to keep.
- Purchase a book for the UH collection if an interlibrary loan is not available.
- Direct you to another service if there is one that is more appropriate to your needs.
Interlibrary loans (ILLs) further information
Interlibrary loans request form
Purchase suggestions
If you would like to recommend a book for your Module Reading list or to add to the library collection, you can make a purchase request. We will purchase an eBook if possible, but it may be that only a print book is available.
Please Note in some circumstances, requested items may not be available for us to borrow nor purchase but in this case, we will let you know.
Members of Staff:
- UH book purchases for teaching are requested via the Module Reading list.
At Herts, Talis Aspire is integrated into every Canvas module to provide a resource list for students. Academic staff teaching on the module add reading to the module reading list and send these for library staff to review and purchase books where needed.
Note: If titles required are not for a specific module but would benefit a whole programme, please add it to the programme Talis Aspire reading list if available.
For further information and how to proceed, click on the link
- For non-teaching or personal research, members of staff can suggest the purchase of print or eBooks for the library collection. Please fill in the Purchase suggestion form
- For any other teaching requirements please contact Your Information Manger
Requesting Alternative Formats:
If you have a disability or reading requirements for which the existing format does not meet your needs, you can:
- Use SensusAccess, the self-service document service, to convert electronic documents
- Obtain up to one chapter scanned from a print book held at the UH LRC and sent to you by email. How to request a scan
- If you are a student with a Study Needs Agreement, click on Study Needs agreement -AskHerts for more information.
- If you are a member of staff and none of the above satisfies your needs, please contact Your Information Manger