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Request a Scan

Request a scanned extract from a library book or physical journal for your own private study and non-commercial research (subject to copyright restrictions).

Frequently asked questions

Request a Scan: process for students and staff

To access the service where available, please first login to Library Search using your University username and password.
You can do this via one of two routes 1 ) Library Search/Online in StudyNet, or 2) at the book details page – click on the “Log in to your account” link and select the “Shibboleth login for all University of Hertfordshire members” option.

  • If you have not logged in you will be requested to do so in order to proceed with your scan request  

Watch our short video for step-by-step instructions on using the service (please note you can now request any print books not just reference copies).

Frequently asked questions

What is the "Request a Scan" service?

  • The service complements our existing enhanced eBook access.
  • If an electronic version of a library book is unavailable, you can request a scanned copy of a print book chapter, as long as we hold a physical copy in the LRC (Learning Resources Centres).
  • Copyright restrictions will apply.  
  • If you need an article from a print copy of a journal held in our library, you can also request a scan.
  • Each scan request will be checked to ensure it does not breach copyright rules. Submitting a scan request does not guarantee we can fulfil your request.  

What can I request?

  • You can request a scan from any book held where we hold a physical copy or from any physical journal held in the library. 
  • Items requested must be for your own private study and non-commercial research.

How much can I request to scan?

  • One chapter of a book
  • One article from a journal issue
  • Users will be limited to 5 concurrent requests 

How does the Request a Scan service work?

  • Request chapter/article scan from the Library catalogue (see below for detailed instructions)
  • Library staff will check the copyright restrictions and (where possible) produce a scan.
  • A link to the scan will then be sent to your email address, for individual use only.

How quickly will I receive my scan?

  • We aim to produce scans and email them to you as quickly as possible (during working hours).

Who can use this service?

  • The Request a Scan service is being made available primarily to support Herts students, however, staff may also request a scan for private study and non-commercial research only.
  • Academic staff should liaise with Information Managers regarding resources for teaching purposes.
  • We encourage all users to check other sources for the material in the first instance.

Can I share my scan with other people?

  • No, scanned copies are for personal and private study only.  Sharing your copy is a breach of copyright rules.

Can I submit a 'Request a Scan' for a teaching resource? 

How will you communicate with me?

  • If your request is accepted a link to your scan will be emailed to you from (you may need to check your email spam folder)
  • You will then be able to click on the link and pick up your scan (requires usual Herts login)
  • If your scan request is rejected, you will receive an email from giving the reason
  • You can check the progress of your request in your library account.
  • You can view your library account via the "Online Library" in StudyNet

How long do I have to collect my scan?

  • Your scan will be available for 30 days

I've deleted my scan email with the link / deleted the scan after I downloaded it - can you send me another copy?

  • We won't send you another copy, but anything that’s been shared with you will also appear in your OneDrive > Shared > Shared with you 

Can I request a scan if there are also loan copies available in the LRC?

  • If you are able to visit the LRC, you may find it quicker to visit and borrow the book in person or use the reservation service
  • You can still request a scan as long as there is a physical copy showing in the library catalogue and available in the LRC.

Why can't I see the Request a Scan option?

  • We do not hold a physical copy of this item in the Library 

Why has my Request a Scan request been rejected?

There are several possible reasons:

  • Your request exceeds the copyright limits under 'fair dealing rules'
  • You have requested another chapter from the same book which exceeds copyright limits
  • You have not provided sufficient detail in your request for library staff to identify the material you require
  • You have already requested this chapter/article
  • The scan you have requested has already been requested by other borrowers. (Library staff will investigate providing the material in a different way to make it suitable for a greater number of users and where possible add a digitised copy to a module reading list)
  • The physical copy is not found on the library shelf

Where else can I get the material I need?

Where can I get help and support?


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Request a Scan: process for students and staff

Watch our short video for step-by-step instructions on using the service.

  • Search for a book using Library Search or via your course reading list, available in your Canvas module
  • If there is a physical copy of the resource in the Library you will see an option to 'request chapter/article scan'
  • In order to proceed with your scan request, you will need to log in to Library Search using your University username and password.  You can do this via one of two routes 1 ) Library Search/Online in StudyNet, or 2) at the book details page – click on the “Log in to your account” link and select the “Shibboleth login for all University of Hertfordshire members” option.
  • Complete the details (red is compulsory) and confirm that you have read the copyright declaration. 
  • For a book chapter request, you will need to complete the chapter name or number and provide your Herts username.
  • For a journal article scan request you will need to provide the article title and article date. 
  • The more detail you provide the easier it is for Library staff to identify the pages you require.
  • Your request will either be approved or rejected.  If it is rejected you will be emailed with a rejection reason.
  • If your request is accepted you will receive an email from will contain a link to the scan which you can then access.  You will need to log into Office365 with your and password to access the file, which will appear in your OneDrive > Shared > Shared with you 


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