Software available on University computers
Remote desktop computer access
Specialist software in the LRC technology suites
Assistive software to help support students and staff with disabilities
Tools for online chat and meetings
Get started with Microsoft Teams
Software available on University computers
UH provides a wide range of software applications for staff and students for general and specialised subject-related use.
All full-time and part-time students get a Microsoft Office 365 account for the duration of their time at UH.
Where licences permit, we aim to make all software as widely available as possible across all labs and the LRCs so that you can use it both in your timetabled sessions as well as for independent study.
Remote desktop computer access
- Enrol in MFA if you have not already done so:
- Log into the University’s Virtual Private Network (VPN). Find details on how to use this on AskHerts:
- Login at
- You will need to connect to the University's Virtual Private Network (VPN) service before accessing the remote desktop service. Maintaining a VPN connection is dependent on your internet connection and you may find that a wired connection is more reliable.
- At present we are unable to facilitate remote access to University Macs.
- Get help at any point by clicking on the ‘get help’ option in the remote desktop portal.
- As the service is further developed we will update the user instructions. Please look here for the latest version, rather than saving a local copy.
- If you do not need specialist on-campus software, please prioritise this service for those students who do require it for teaching and assignments.
- The use of this software is reserved for teaching and learning purposes at the University of Hertfordshire and must not be used for private use / personal gain.
- Usage of the software is monitored.
Specialist software in the LRC Technology Suites
Specialist software is available to use on PCs in our Learning Resources Centre (LRC) Technology Suites. We have two Technology Suites in the College Lane LRC and one in the de Havilland LRC. PCs in these suites have been configured with specialist software and are prioritised for use by those students studying Creative Arts, Digital Animation, Computer Science and Engineering.
Before you visit please note that PCs cannot be booked and are available on a first come first served basis.
What specialist software can I find in the LRC?
Over 300 software programmes are available across our LRC PCs for 2024/25 academic year.
Please see list below of individual software programmes available for the 2024-2025 academic year for LRC general PCs as well as the Computer Science, Creative Arts, Digital Animation and Engineering specialist software PCs available in the Technology suites.
Software programmes available on LRC and specialist software PCs for 2024-25
Creative Arts and Digital Animation software
- College Lane LRC: Ground floor technology suite – 8 Creative Arts and 36 Digital Animation specialist software PCs available
- de Havilland LRC: First floor technology suite – 4 Creative Arts and 4 Digital Animation specialist software PCs available
Computer Science and Engineering software
- College Lane LRC: First floor technology suite, College Lane LRC – 42 Computer Science and 28 Engineering specialist software PCs available.
- de Havilland LRC: First floor technology suite – 4 Computer Science and 4 Engineering specialist software PCs available
MaxIm DL PCs (priority use for Astrophysics students):
- Two PCs are available in area outside the Technology Suite on the first floor of the College Lane LRC, in addition to those available at Bayfordbury
Eikon/Datastream PCs (Business and Finance):
- One PC in College Lane LRC (first floor outside Technology Suite)
- One PC in de Havilland LRC (by the cafe)
- One virtual PC is available using the remote desktop portal
Adobe Express
Adobe Express is available to all students at Herts. Access the online platform using your Herts log-in and password at Adobe Express can be used to create presentations, documents, flyers, video, social media content and more. Adobe Express guidance and tutorials are on the Learn Adobe Express website. Details of Adobe Express Labs at Herts, the Adobe Express webinar series and Adobe Digital Badging are on the Digital Skills: Digital creation and communication with Adobe Express page in the Digital Skills unit of Library SkillUP.
Matlab for students
Matlab is an industry-standard simulation application and research tool.
- It lets you explore and visualise ideas and collaborate across disciplines including signal and image processing, communications, control systems, and computational finance.
How to download Matlab software to your personal computer.
SPSS for students and staff
SPSS Statistics is a software package used to solve problems by means of ad-hoc analysis, hypothesis testing, geospatial analysis, and predictive analytics.
- It can be used to perform data entry and analysis and to create tables and graphs. SPSS is capable of handling large amounts of data.
- This software is available on all computers in the Learning Resource Centres and in most computer labs.
- It can also be downloaded to your personal computer if you are a UH registered student or member of staff.
To access SPSS and the 'how to guide below' you must first either be connected to a networked computer on campus or connect using the VPN (Pulse Secure).
Please note that licence codes change annually on the 1st of August and you will need to request the licence code again the following year if required.
Additional information:
- The software can be installed on personally-owned computers.
- This software must be used only for University-related work.
- Need help? Contact the Helpdesk
NVivo for students and staff
What is NVivo?
NVivo is a software program used for qualitative and mixed-methods research. Specifically, it is used for the analysis of unstructured text, audio, video, and image data, including interviews, focus groups, surveys, social media, and journal articles.
How can I access NVivo software?
The software is available on all computers in the Learning Resource Centres and in most computer labs and can also be downloaded to your personal computer if you are a University of Hertfordshire registered student or member of staff.
NVivo version 14 now available
- In August 2023 the university upgraded to version 14 of the software. Version 14 comes with new features to help users work together on projects in real-time with others as well as import data from cloud projects.
- If you are a current user of NVivo you can continue to use NVivo 12 for your work but please bear in mind that if you are sharing and working on project files with others, you will all need to be using the same version of the software. For more information please see our NVivo 12 to 14 FAQs below.
Accessing NVivo and upgrading to NVivo version 14
Students: If you would like to install NVivo on your own device or to upgrade to version 14 please contact the Helpdesk, who will provide you with a form to complete prior to sending you the licence code.
Staff: If you are a member of staff using a University managed device you can download the software from the Software Centre:
- To access the Software Centre simply type ‘Software Centre’ into the search bar on your PC, or from the Windows home icon navigate to Microsoft System Centre > Software Centre
- Mac users should search for the managed software centre or click the icon in the launch pad.
- Please note that you will need to be connected to the UHVPN / Pulse Secure to access the Software Centre from off campus. See
- If you do not have access to the Software Centre please contact Helpdesk to have your device upgraded.
- If you would like to download the software to your personal device, please contact the Helpdesk, who will provide you with a form to complete prior to sending you the licence code.
Please note that this software must be used only for University-related work.
NVivo 12 to NVivo 14 FAQs
Can I continue using the NVivo 12 version of the software?
- Yes, you can continue to use NVivo 12 for your work but please bear in mind that if you are sharing and working on your project files with others, you will all need to be using the same version of the software.
Are my NVivo 12 project files compatible with version 14 of the software?
- Yes, project files (.nvp, .nvpx) created in older versions of NVivo can be opened and worked on within NVivo 14. They are updated to the newer format automatically when the file is opened and by default, the filename is updated with a version number to distinguish it from your old file.
- A copy of the older version is preserved in its original location at the point of conversion.
- Please note that if you need to continue using the older software for other projects, more than one version can be installed on the same computer. Please back up first before using in the new version.
How do I convert my current NVivo 12 project files into NVivo 14?
To convert conversion project files in NVivo 12 to NVivo 14:
- Open NVivo, on the File tab, click Open > Browse.
- Ensure you have NVivo Projects selected in the bottom-right of the dialog box.
- Select the project you want to open and click Open.
The Upgrade Project dialog box opens. - By default, the updated file is saved in the same location with '(NVivo 14)' appended to the file name.
To change the file name, location, or save as an NVivo Collaboration Server project: - Click Browse.
- Make the required changes and click Save.
- Click Next, and then click Upgrade.
For more information please see:
What is the difference between NVivo 12 and 14?
- More effective collaboration with others - NVivo 14 provides the ability to work together in real time with others on the same project.
- Import data from Citavi - send data from your cloud projects in Citavi Web or Citavi Desktop to NVivo. The imported data can then be used to query and visualise to identify patterns for your research.
If I start using NVIVO 14 for my projects can I decide at a later date to revert my files to NVivo 12?
- Unfortunately not. There are database changes between versions which prevents backward compatibility. Projects created in later versions cannot be opened in older versions eg. you cannot open NVivo 14 in NVivo version 12.
What happens if I access my NVivo 12 files work on a later version of NVIVO installed on LRC and lab PCs?
- If you open a NVivo 12 file on a computer running NVivo 14, the file will be updated to the newer format automatically when the file is opened and by default the filename is updated with a version number to distinguish it from your old file.
- A copy of the older version is preserved in its original location at the point of conversion.
Tools for online chat and meetings
To help you stay connected with your studies here at Herts the University has invested in Zoom video conferencing and Microsoft Teams chat and online meetings for all students.
Some of your teaching sessions will be conducted through one or other of these tools so look out for the links to join these sessions in your module websites in StudyNet.
Joining a Teams or Zoom online session
When joining a Zoom or Teams online session please make sure that you sign in using your University and password.
Please read or watch our useful help resources to help you get started using Teams or Zoom for online learning and meetings.
You will also be able to create your own Zoom or Teams meetings to connect with other students to stay in touch if you feel isolated or need to self-isolate but want to stay connected.
You may already be familiar with Zoom but please try Microsoft Teams too. Many employers use Microsoft Teams so this is a good opportunity to develop your digital skills in this area. Find out more and Get started with Microsoft Teams.
Microsoft Office 365 for everyone
Communicate and collaborate with others – anytime, anywhere.
You don’t need to buy Microsoft Office 365 software to study at the University of Hertfordshire as you will get free access for the duration of your studies.
The software package includes web and desktop versions of Microsoft Office applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Teams as well as personal cloud storage (One Drive) and Outlook email. This applies to all students (except those on non-credit-bearing short courses) while studying with us. You can download the Office applications on up to 15 personal devices - find out how here.
- Logging on to Microsoft Office 365
- Installing Microsoft Office 365 on your device
- Using Microsoft Office 365
- Get started with Microsoft Teams
- FAQs
Getting started with Office 365
Step 1 – Logging on
You can access Office 365 at
Sign in using your e.g.
When using Office 365 for the first time:
- Select OneDrive
- Allow 24 hours for your account to become fully functional
Step 2 – Choose to work online or install on your devices
Working online
- When you sign in you can choose to start using the online versions of most Office 365 applications straight away.
- Click on the tile with the application you want e.g. Word
- Office 365 web applications work in the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge.
- Users of older versions of these browsers may not benefit from the full functionality of Office 365.
Installing Office 365 applications on your devices
Registered Herts students can install copies of Office 365 applications on up to 15 personal devices to enable offline working and access to enhanced application functionality. You can install Office applications on up to 5 PCs or Macs, on up to 5 tablets, and up to 5 phones.
See guides to installing Office 365:
Installing Office 365 on Windows
Installing Office 365 on Mac
Installing Office 365 on a mobile or tablet.
Step 3 – Using Office 365
There are lots of different applications within Office 365. Visit the Office 365 Training Centre
Need help?
If you can't find answers to what you are looking for or have any technical issues you can contact the Helpdesk on 01707 284678 or email at
Get started with Microsoft Teams
To help you stay connected with your studies the University has licensed all students with Microsoft Teams chat and online meetings.
- Download and install the Microsoft Teams app to your PC, Mac or mobile device
- Use the web app - Go to, log on with your University and password and select the Microsoft Teams icon.
- Accessibility support for Microsoft Teams
- Chat using Teams
- Join or set up an online meeting
- Get the most out of Microsoft Teams
Please note that all desktop PCs in the LRCs have the Microsoft Teams desktop app installed but if joining meetings from there, you may need to use your headphones to avoid disturbing other students.