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VPN (virtual private network) and Ivanti Secure (formally known as Pulse Secure)

Accessing the VPN at Herts

What is the VPN (virtual private network)?

The VPN gives you access to University of Hertfordshire licensed services. Your device - wherever you may be - will appear as if it's connected to the University's network, enabling you to access the services that are otherwise only available on campus.

You are encouraged to use the VPN whenever you use University services. You should always add the https:// prefix to URLs for websites that use your personal data. explains how to install and use the software required to access the VPN at Herts.


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When would I need to use the VPN?

When you need to use services only available on campus and you are:

  • off campus
  • using your own device over WiFi on campus
  • you're told that you need to "go through the VPN"


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How do I use the VPN?

Follow the instructions at  Remember you need to log in to the VPN services using your  Once you have downloaded the VPN application you may have to look for it in your hidden icons tray (Windows PC).

hidden icons screen shot

You can access the VPN from your own personal device or a University of Hertfordshire managed device. 

If you are using a device that belongs to your place of work that has limited access to download software (for example if you are an external examiner or moderator) please note the following:

  • You will need to ask your IT support team to install the Ivanti Secure VPN application for you using the setup link here:  This recognises the device you are using and provides installation instructions relevant for your device.
  • If  your own institution also uses Ivanti Secure VPN you will need to add a connection to the University of Hertfordshire VPN. 
    • Open Ivanti Secure Access Client (using the icon near the clock)
    • Select the + icon and Add a connection
    • Set the connection name and URL to and select add
    • You might be asked to approve the configuration
  • Please remember to disconnect your own institution’s VPN before logging into Ivanti Secure VPN to access University of Hertfordshire services.


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Can I access services protected by the VPN without installing anything?

A limited range of the services available through the VPN can be accessed at (Secure Access Service website) without the need to download the VPN client first.  Please note that the Remote Desktop service is unavailable through the Secure Access Service website.


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VPN and multi-factor authentication (MFA)


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How do I keep up to date?  

The VPN application will occasionally prompt you to upgrade to the latest version of the software.

Please note that the VPN  logo on your devices will now appear as Ivanti Secure (formally Pulse Secure). 

new name and logo for the VPN app - Ivanti Secure Access Client        



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Windows 7 and Windows 8 devices

  • Windows 7 (W7) and Windows 8.0 (W8) devices are blocked from accessing the University Network through the VPN (virtual private network).
  • These are no longer supported by Microsoft and do not receive security updates. 
  • In order to identify these devices and block them from our network, the VPN service must check every device before allowing access, regardless of your device's operating system.

Staff and students using the VPN app should not notice any difference and we recommend this as the best way to access the VPN

Staff and students using the web browser version of the VPN ( will need to follow the on-screen instructions to allow the host checker software to download to your device.  This may take a few minutes.

You will need to have an up-to-date version of java on your device and may also be prompted to update this before proceeding.


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Need help?

Please contact the Helpdesk if you need help getting set up: 

Please be alert for fraudulent emails, spam, phishing attacks, and unexpected pop-up messages on your device.


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