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Library restrictions and charges

Library charges and restrictions and how to avoid them

For up-to-date information regarding library restrictions and charges and returning books please refer to our book borrowing page on AskHerts

Please return borrowed books and other items on time to help ensure their effective circulation and availability to all students and staff.

Check your email, Herts Mobile alerts, and StudyNet library account regularly to see if any of your loans have been reserved by others. Reserved loans cannot be automatically renewed and must be returned by the due date.

If you are requested to return a book before the date you are scheduled to return to campus, or if you are on placement and unable to return to campus, please contact the Helpdesk.

Your responsibility as a borrower

Restrictions for overdue loans

Paying library charges

Reduction/waiving of restrictions/charges

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Your responsibility as a borrower

  • You must not allow friends or colleagues to take books and other items out on your library account.  You are responsible for the return of all items issued to you and for any restrictions/charges on these items.
  • If you lose your ID card, please inform the LCS Helpdesk immediately so that your account can be locked if necessary to prevent any malicious use.
  • Overdue email notices are sent as a courtesy to borrowers.  You can also set up library updates and reminder notifications via the Herts Mobile app to help you stay on top of your library account.  
  • Failure to receive notices and alerts sent by the University does not remove a borrower’s obligation to return books and other items by the due date, nor does it constitute grounds for reducing fines.

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Restrictions for overdue loans of library books, laptops, and other loan items

  • Library accounts showing late returns will be temporarily restricted and users will be unable to reserve items or take new items out on loan until the overdue item is returned.
  • Library accounts will be automatically reactivated as soon as overdue items are returned.

Find out more about book loans and returning books on our book borrowing page.  

Library fines:

  • If you already have existing library fines/ charges that have reached or exceed £1.00 you will not be able to borrow or reserve additional items until the fines/charges are paid in full.  
  • If the overdue item is still requested and has not been returned, after 28 days the full replacement book costs must be paid and will be added to your library account.
  • If a laptop or equipment loan becomes overdue for more than 1 week, the full replacement cost of the item will be added to your library account.

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Paying library charges

  • Before paying for lost/long overdue items, please ensure that they are actually lost, as no refunds will be given when items are returned after payment is made. If items are returned, a credit may be temporarily visible on your library account due to administrative processes.
  • Please pay online through your library account.

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Reduction/waiving of restrictions/charges

  • Charges and restrictions may be waived or reduced only where exceptional circumstances apply, for example, illness, an accident, hospitalisation, or domestic issues.
  • Students must obtain written verification from their programme tutor to support the request to waive the charge/restriction; this should be sent to
  • If you are having difficulty paying charges owing to severe financial hardship, we recommend that you contact the Student Centre for advice regarding the Access to Learning Fund.

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Library and Computing Services

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Please refer to the LCS Service Status page for updates on service availability. Online and telephone support is available 08:00 to 18:00 Monday - Friday with telephone support only available outside of these times.