- Wired connections
- Wireless connections
- Games consoles and smart TVs in campus residences
- Accessing on-site services (UH VPN)
- Internet connection conditions of use
- Problems with wifi?
Wired Connections
Wired (ethernet) connections also known as data points are available for students in our on-campus accommodation and are usually faster and more reliable than Wi-Fi connections.
To connect to the network using a wired connection:
- Connect your device to the network socket using an ethernet or LAN cable
- Open your web browser and follow the on-screen instructions
Please note: Android 11 users and above should install the geteduroam app from their play store and follow the instructions entering their Herts username@herts.ac.uk and password when prompted.
Install the geteduroam app on your device.
Wireless Connections
There are two Wi-Fi services for students and staff:
eduroam is the best choice for staff and students and saves you time by connecting automatically once installed.
To install eduroam you need to be on campus using the device you want to set up; use mobile data or UHWifi to visit getconnected.herts.ac.uk/
As a guide, installing eduroam on an android phone requires less than one megabyte of data
- Do this on each device you want to connect on.
- Once set up, your device will also automatically connect to eduroam at other participating institutions.
Please note that eduroam is not supported for Windows 7 devices and some older macOS versions.
eduroam Wi-Fi security updates
The security certificate for the eduroam campus Wi-Fi service is being updated on Tuesday 2 July 2024. This is an essential update that takes place each year to keep our systems safe and secure.
How will this impact me?
- There will be no impact until you come into range of the eduroam Wi-Fi service (e.g. visit campus) for the first time after the update.
- You will need to take action on your eduroam connected device(s) to reconnect. See What do I need to do below.
If you need to take part in any time-critical activity on campus which is reliant on an eduroam Wi-Fi connection we strongly recommend that you allow sufficient time to test your connection beforehand.
It is important that you allow your device to install this update even if it continues to connect to eduroam.
What do I need to do?
How these updates impact you will depend on your device:
- Some devices will automatically accept the new security certificate, in which case you do not need to take any action.
- Some device(s) will ask if you want to ‘trust’ the new security certificate. Only trust certificates from radius01.herts.ac.uk or radius00.herts.ac.uk.
- Some devices will automatically reject the security update. You will need to follow the instructions at https://getconnected.herts.ac.uk/ to install eduroam again.
Remember you have to enter your username@herts.ac.uk
Please note that student computers in the Learning Resources Centres (LRCs) and teaching rooms will not be affected by the update.
If you need further help reinstalling eduroam on your device(s) please contact the Helpdesk.
UHWifi is for staff and students with devices that do not support eduroam.
To use UHWifi:
- Connect to UHWifi and you'll be shown a login screen.
- Log in with your username@herts.ac.uk (e.g. ab19cde@herts.ac.uk) and password.
- You will be prompted to log in again every few hours.
Visitor Wi-Fi
The Cloud Wi-Fi service is only for visitors to the University. Connect to _The Cloud and follow the on-device instructions.
Games consoles and Smart TVs in campus residences
- Plug your gaming device or smart TV into the data point in your room. You will need to register your device here https://wdevicereg.herts.ac.uk/guest before you can connect. Please log in with your university username@herts.ac.uk and password and provide your device type and MAC address. Please note if you are accessing this device registration website from off campus you will need to connect using the University's VPN (Virtual Private Network)
- The University network is configured for academic work and security. Although we allow gaming consoles to connect to the internet, there are restrictions with online gaming.
- If you are unable to connect or are using the University Wi-Fi to connect your device, please contact the Helpdesk with your device's MAC address (usually found on the device label or under 'device information' in the settings menu).
Some services require the use of the University’s VPN (Virtual Private Network) service. Find out how to access the VPN.
Internet connection conditions of use
Your use of the internet and the University’s online services is subject to the following conditions:
- Your use of the internet must comply with University regulations and the Acceptable Use policy of the national Joint Academic Network (Janet).
- You must maintain up-to-date antivirus protection on your computer and appropriate operating system updates (Windows updates, Apple security updates, etc). See further information and links to free antivirus software.
- University systems maintenance may result in downtime of the service.
- The University routinely monitors network connections.
- Network access may be restricted or disconnected in the event of any threat to network security or to the interests of the work of the University or of any unusual activity.
Problems with Wi-Fi?
Username and password issues
- Check that you’ve added @herts.ac.uk to your username e.g. abc21de@herts.ac.uk
- Check that your username and password are correct (can you successfully log into StudyNet?)
You can reset your password at https://www.pss.herts.ac.uk.
The UHWifi login screen does not appear
- Try visiting a website such as bbc.co.uk/news. This should force the login screen to appear
eduroam isn't working for me
- Contact the Helpdesk for assistance
Your device repeatedly disconnects from Wi-Fi
- This might be due to interference from other electronic equipment. Try moving to a different area. Please contact the Helpdesk if the problem persists.
Other issues?
If you have issues with device connectivity please contact the Helpdesk.