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Study Success Hubs

Expert study skills help and 1 to 1 support when you need it

Find a Study Success Hub on the ground floor of each of our Learning Resources Centres

We are here to support your successful studies with dedicated help and resources from across the University.

Whether you need specialist English and Maths support, 1 to 1 advice on finding the best resources, or help managing your workload and assignments, our friendly experts are here to help. We look forward to seeing you!

  • What's on - see the table below for details of central and school-based study skills support available.
  • Supporting your academic studies - information on the measures in place to support you during these unprecedented times including our Safety Net policy, Exceptional Circumstances, and Academic Integrity.

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What's on?

All students
  Find out more
Maths support Specialist support on a range of mathematical topics.  Maths Support
Herts Academic Skills Whether you need help with your language and communication skills for university life in general, or for a particular written assignment or project, the Herts Academic Skills (HAS) team can help Herts Academic Skills (HAS)
Digital Skills Help Book a 1:1 online appointment with a member of the Student Technology Mentor team Digital SkillUP - Digital skills help
Library Skills Support Drop in for help with finding, searching, and referencing library resources.
Library Skills Support
Careers and Employment information and advice Get to know more about Careers and Employment services, events, and online resources.


Get connected on campus Specialist support to get your devices connected to University services


Assistive Technology support

Support for independent study skills including free programmes, apps, and technologies to make studying easier

Independent study support

School-based support    
Hertfordshire Business School - CASE (Centre for Academic Skills Enhancement)
Academic skills resources to support HBS students and staff online, with Academic English workshops, embedded skills sessions supporting modules and programmes, small group/individual consultations and e-support
Centre for Academic Skills Enhancement (CASE)
Creative Arts toolkit

Academic writing support and bookable skills sessions

Creative Arts toolkit

School of Education academic skills support

Academic skills support including writing support and 1 to 1 tutorials

Herts Academic Skills
Academic skills advice for HSK

Programme run academic skills workshops and 1 to 1 sessions for Health and Social Work (HSK) students

HSK Academic Skills advice
Academic support for LMS

1 to 1 and group workshops for Life and Medical Science (LMS) students to help you to improve your study skills

Academic Support for LMS
Hertfordshire Law School HLS

The Student Enhancement Team offers all HLS students a dedicated space (De Hav LRC, L064) to engage with face-to-face or online support, enhancing success by providing guidance and delivering sessions on subject-specific academic writing, employability, and wellbeing, as well as, a further chance to express your student voice.

CJC students click here 

LLB students click here

LLM LP students click here

LLM students click here


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Supporting your academic studies

Exceptional Circumstances - sometimes situations outside of your control can arise that make it difficult to focus on your exams and assessments.  If this happens, you may wish to make the University aware of your situation so consideration can be given to support you. You can do this by submitting a request for Exceptional Circumstances. Find out more about Exceptional Circumstances

Academic Integrity and Academic Misconduct - we are committed to upholding the academic standards of our awards and have support in place to help you undertake your studies and assessments with academic integrity. Most cases of academic misconduct are completely unintentional and could easily be prevented.  Find out more about what academic misconduct is, how to avoid it, and the support available:

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