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Disability support for Postgraduate Research students

Disability Advisers offer Specialist Advice and guidance for ALL students with disabilities, including postgraduate research students.


Adjustments are individual to the needs of the person and the academic discipline.

Some of the things which disability advisers can help postgraduate research students with are:

Advice of routes to get additional support, such as:

  • Specialist software.
  • Study skills support.
  • Individual adjustments to vivas, where we can support you to best demonstrate your skills at that level.

Not all disabilities are seen, and not all people who have difficulties consider themselves disabled.

You do not need to already have a diagnosis in order to contact us.

If you want to talk about how we can support you at University we can offer advice and guidance.

Please fill in our Study Related Support form 

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Student Wellbeing

Today 8.30 - 16:00
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Hutton Hub, College Lane