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Degree apprenticeships - Safeguarding, Prevent & Health and Safety

Our approach to keeping our apprentices safe

The University is committed to ensuring that a safe and supportive environment exists for all students, staff and visitors to the University. We want you to have a positive learning experience whilst undertaking your apprenticeship with us and this requires a commitment from all parties: the university, the apprentice and their employer.

What is safeguarding and why is it important?

Safeguarding is a broad term and means keeping people safe from harm and promoting their wellbeing. Safeguarding includes Prevent, Health and Safety and resources to support wellbeing.

The key principles which inform safeguarding in practice are:

  • empowerment - to ensure people are encouraged to make their own decisions;
  • prevention - intervening before harm occurs;
  • proportionality - the least intrusive response proportionate to risk;
  • partnership - working in partnership with individuals, social and family networks where possible and support agencies;
  • protection and accountability - for actions and decisions based on evidence.

The University of Hertfordshire recognises that it has a legal duty to ensure, as far as is reasonably possible, and maintain the health, safety and welfare of all children and adults at risk, and those who make use of its services and facilities.

The University has invested significantly in mental health and wellbeing services for students and learners. We recognise that there are a variety of circumstances in which children and adults at risk will be admitted to the University, come onto University premises or have contact with University staff, students or contractors. Consequently, the University ensures Disclosure and Barring Services (DBS) checks for any member of staff or student/learner where required. The University also complies with its duty to refer relevant information about DBS members to the Disclosure and Barring Service.

A safeguarding concern may be any care or support needs that you may have or be at risk from others. For example, deteriorating mental health, substance abuse, serious self-neglect.

Our approach at the University of Hertfordshire

There are several key staff who have a responsibility for safeguarding. The Dean of Students is the Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) for the University. The Office of the Dean of Students are responsible for a wide range of responsibilities including:

  • Student Support & Welfare teams
  • Student Wellbeing
  • The Chaplaincy
  • University Day Nursery
  • The Medical Centre
  • Student complaints and appeals

Each School that delivers apprenticeships has a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). This person should be your first point of contact if you have any safeguarding concerns or issues. However, you may also wish to speak with your Programme Leader, Personal Tutor or Employer Liaison Tutor. They will advise you accordingly and if appropriate they will make a referral to the DSL who will then manage the case and support you.

Our responsibility

We have a responsibility to safeguard your enjoyment of your learning experience at the University of Hertfordshire and to support you with any emotional, mental health, disability and/or health related issue you may experience during your time with us. We also have a responsibility to protect the confidentiality of your information, except in the circumstances below: 

  1. When you have given your consent that information may be disclosed.
  2. When it is believed that there is a serious risk to the personal safety of you or another person. In these circumstances, staff may need to contact additional University colleagues or external services such as a GP or mental health team. Whenever possible we will discuss this with you in the first instance and seek your permission to do so, but in exceptional circumstances we may have to proceed without your consent.
  3. When the member of staff could be liable to civil or criminal court procedure if the information was not disclosed.

What happens if a safeguarding concern is raised?

We have a duty of care to our apprentices so if there is risk of harm or the possibility of any abuse we will take the necessary action. There are several people who can help and support you. You may wish to speak to a member of the teaching team or your Employer Liaison Tutor. The School will have a Designated Safeguarding Lead who will also be available to you.

Any member of the University who identifies a safeguarding concern can immediately make a referral to the Designated Safeguarding Officer via the Safeguarding Incident report form:

Once notified, this dedicated team will begin the necessary activity required to resolve any concerns. This may involve speaking with the referrer or other individual involved to clarify information. The severity the case will determine the action required.  Different levels of concerns will be managed differently as not all will need to be referred to local agencies.  Identified support will also be offered to the apprentice and the University will determine if it is appropriate to liaise with the apprentice’s employer.

Safeguarding policy (UPR HS10)

Bullying and Harassment policy (UPR EQ10)

Fundamental British Values

Fundamental British Values are a government initiative and were introduced in 2011. The expectation is that these values will be actively promoted across all educational institutions to embed the cultural values of the country into the curriculum. Extremist behaviour is the active opposition of the Fundamental British Values. The Fundamental British Values are:

  • Mutual respect and tolerance
  • Rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Democracy

Your programme team and employer will be able to provide you with opportunities to further develop these during your apprenticeship.

What is Prevent?

The Prevent strategy, published by the Government in 2011 is part of the UK’s counter terrorism strategy CONTEST. This programme aims to work with the individual to address their specific vulnerabilities, prevent them becoming further radicalised and possibly entering the criminal justice system as a result of their actions. It is recognised that radicalisation can occur in an individual from any section of society and is not particular to any racial, ethnic or social group.

Like all public bodies, the University has a duty to prevent students from being drawn into terrorism or violent extremism. Prevent is about safeguarding our apprentices and keeping them safe and within the law. It is not about preventing our apprentices from having religious or political views and concerns, but it is about supporting them to use those concerns or act on them in a non-extremist way.

The University’s response to our Prevent duty is guided by our statutory duty, by our institutional values and our commitment to ensure everyone is treated fairly, with dignity and respect.  All University staff complete the Prevent mandatory online training module or have face to face training. We report annually to the Office for Students on this agenda.

If you have a concern, please contact the Dean of Students.

Health and Safety

The safety of all of our apprentices, staff and visitors is one of our key priorities. As an apprentice we will follow our Health and Safety policies and procedures to ensure your safety on campus. There will be additional health and safety requirements depending on the nature of your apprenticeship. The programme team will provide information on these.

University Emergency Number - 5555 or 01707 285555

It is your responsibility to know what to do in case of an emergency on campus. Click on this link Action in Emergency on campus where you will find this information.

Resources to support you

Speak Out

A confidential way for you to let us know if you are worried about someone who you feel could benefit from more support.  You can also report any incident(s) that you have witnessed or experienced that you are uncomfortable with. 
Remember:  if in an emergency, or if more urgent help is needed, call our emergency line on 01707 285555 or 999 immediately

Exceptional Circumstances Find out what to do if you are worried that circumstances outside of your control might impact on your ability to perform in assessments and submissions.

Student Wellbeing 24 Hour Helpline
0808 196 3533

Provides counselling support including online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). The helpline also has a wealth of financial, medical, and legal information that is always available whenever you need it.

PAM Assist Wellbeing app

Resources to help you to improve your health and wellbeing, including goal setting and habit tracking, online cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and resources to build resilience and boost motivation.
Student Wellbeing Services A range of services available to help you at any time; including Mental Wellbeing and Student Wellbeing Advisors and mentors, as well as our Counselling Service. 
Support to Study policy 

Staff can use this policy when they have concerns about a student’s health, wellbeing or behaviour and the impact that this is having on the student and/or others’ ability to progress and function in the University context.

Active Students

Here to help you find the activity or sport you would like to try.

Stop Hate Crime 
(24 hour service)

0800 138 1625

Works to challenge all forms of Hate Crime and discrimination, based on any aspect of an individual’s identity. Stop Hate UK provides independent, confidential and accessible reporting and support for victims, witnesses and third parties.

Victim Support

0808 168 9111

Provides practical advice and help, emotional support and reassurance to those who have suffered the effects of a crime
Women’s Aid Federation of England and Wales Women’s Aid is a national domestic violence charity. It also runs a domestic violence online help service.

University Whistleblowing policy UPR GV16
Confidential Whistleblowing hotline: 01707 285842

Hertfordshire Students' Union

Here to support you on your student journey, providing access to societies, events, academic representation, confidential advice and much more.


Call 116 123

A free to call service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for people who want to talk in confidence. Call them on 116 123 or visit the Samaritans website. 

Contact details

Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) Geri Ward
Dean of Students

01707 284450 (Ext 4450)

Mobile: 07950 633496

Location: Student Wellbeing, Hutton Hub (First Floor)

Email Geri Ward
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for School of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences

Professor Irene Ctori
Dean of School

01707 285016 (Ext 5016)

Location: F245, Wright Building, College Lane Campus

Email Professor Irene Ctori
Operational Safeguarding Lead for School of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences

Dr Kate Cady

Location: Office S109, Institute of Sport, De Havilland Campus

Email Dr Kate Cady
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Sciences

Dr Daniel McCluskey

Dean of School

Teams: please use email address:

Location: Spectra Level 2 (2a), College Lane Campus
Email Dr Daniel McCluskey

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for Hertfordshire Business School

Ann Campbell

UG Pastoral and Academic Support and Senior Lecturer

01707 284869 (Ext 4869)

Location: M242A,
De Havilland Campus.

Email Ann Campbell

Contact Us

The Office of the Dean of Students

Student Wellbeing

Today 09:00 - 17:00
Office of the Dean of Students, College Lane