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Self Help Resources

If you are concerned about an addiction and would like to get some support, below are some self-help resources and links to UH support services to help you.
Please also see our Student Wellbeing Services page for further support and advice.

We recommend:

Other sources of support 

Adfam Information and support for the families of drug and alcohol users
Alcoholics Anonymous Support for people experiencing problems with alcohol
The Alliance User led organisation that provides information and advocacy for people accessing treatment for drug and alcohol problems 
Beating Addictions Information about a range of addictions 
Drug Addicts Anonymous UK  A 12 step programme modelled on Alcoholics Anonymous for people with drug addictions 
Gamblers Anonymous Information about support meetings for people with gambling addictions
GamCare Support and specialist counselling for anyone experiencing difficulties resulting from a gambling problem
HelpGuide  A series of American guides on a variety of common mental and emotional health issues (including addiction and recovery)
Narcotics Anonymous UK  Helpline and meeting to support people who wish to address their drug use 
Release  National charity offering free and confidential advice about drugs and the law
Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous A 12 step programme modelled on Alcoholics Anonymous for people with sex and love addictions 
Smokefree NHS support for people who want to quit smoking
Talk to Frank Information and confidential helpline for anyone in the UK concerned about drug use
The Mix

A really useful site for all student related issues.

Turning Point

National charity that provides services for people with complex needs, including alcohol and drug misuse and mental health problems


National charity supporting people to make positive behavioural changes regarding alcohol, drugs or their mental health and wellbeing.

Free 24/7 Helpline via PAM Wellness:

All students have access to a free 24/7 helpline. If you need immediate wellbeing/emotional support,  financial, legal, non-urgent medical advice or grief support call: 0808 196 3533


R;pple browser extension

R;pple is a crisis intervention tool that automatically surfaces mental health resources to users searching for harmful content related to self-harm or suicide. Learn more about R;pple here.

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Student Wellbeing

Today 8.30 - 17:00
Student Wellbeing is closed at weekends and during holiday periods.
Hutton Hub, College Lane