Whether you are planning to take up employment, transfer to another Higher Education provider or are considering leaving University for another reason, it is important that you have all the information you need to make the best decision for you.
Before you withdraw
If you are considering withdrawal please get in touch with the following staff/teams so that we can support you through this process and ensure you get all the advice and guidance you need.
- Academic advice from your Programme Leader (or a member of your programme team) about the options available to you.
- Advice regarding the financial implications of withdrawal from the Student Funding and Financial Support team including information about tuition fees and any SLC funding.
- If you are an international student advice about any implications for your visa from the Student Immigration Team.
- Advice regarding your accommodation contract from the Residential Allocations team if you are living in University accommodation accommodation@herts.ac.uk.
Further advice and support
You may also find it helpful to speak with:
- The Student Wellbeing team who can offer confidential advice and support
- The Dean of Students' Office who can offer advice on the withdrawal process
- The Students' Union can offer impartial advice from a student's perspective
- Discuss your situation with the Ask Herts team
Proceeding with your withdrawal
If having sought all necessary advice and support you decide to proceed with withdrawal you will need to take the following steps
- Complete a request to withdraw form
- Pass the completed form to your Programme Tutor for approval
- Email the completed form to ask@herts.ac.uk Ask Herts Hub
- If you are funded by the Student Loans Company we will inform them of this withdrawal
If you live on campus, log in to your accommodation portal at www.residences.herts.ac.uk and complete an Early Departure Notification.
Additional Steps
- Living on Campus? - If you live on campus, log in to your accommodation portal at residences.herts.ac.uk and complete an Early Departure Notification.
- Transferring to another Higher Education provider? - You may need to provide evidence to the new institution of the modules you have studied with us and the results you have achieved. Contact the Ask Herts team requesting a Notification of Results
- International Student? – We will notify the UKVI of this withdrawal and they will write to you to advise you to leave the UK or apply under a different immigration category. If you plan on studying at another university, you will need to apply for a new Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies and a new Visa before being allowed to start.