Exam Information
IMPORTANT: Remember to keep checking your personal timetable up until the day of your exam to ensure there have been no changes to dates and times or locations. Is an exam missing? - If so, contact exams@herts.ac.uk
EXAM REGULATIONS – Make sure you are familiar with exam rules and regulations.
Any academic misconduct taking place during exams will be treated very seriously and may have severe consequences.
Remember you are NOT allowed to wear a watch during an exam. Phones, watches, fitness trackers and any other wearable technology must be placed in the plastic box provided at each desk for your valuables. DO NOT leave your phone in your coat or bag.
REMEMBER YOUR ID CARD - In order to sit your exam, you will need your ID card. If the photo has been defaced or is not recognisable it will not be accepted.
Replacement ID cards can be obtained prior to your exam from the Ask Herts Hubs.
LOCATIONS - Download the Herts Mobile app and use its maps and wayfinding to help you locate your exam room.
We strongly suggest that you find your exam location well in advance of your exam, do not leave it to the day of your exam.
It is your responsibility to be in the room before the start time, so make sure you are aware of the location and start time of your exam. Ensure you allow plenty of travel time to the university on the day of your exams.
You will not be allowed into the room once the scheduled start time shown on your timetable has passed. Exams are timed using the centralised clocks inside the exam room.
Please ensure you arrive at your exam location 30 minutes before the published start time if your exam is taking place in the de Havilland Sports Village Main Halls 1, 2 or 3, Cricket Hall (Hertfordshire Sports Village.)
For all other locations please make sure you are at the venue at least 15 minutes before the published start time.
Entry to the Sports Village Main Halls and Sports Village Cricket Hall - de Havilland campus, is via the rear of the Sports Village.
Only approved calculators will be allowed into the exam room, Please note, calculators will not be provided during the exam so please ensure that you only bring an approved model.
Extra time and support for exams: please see our page to look at wellbeing support.
For more information about sitting your exams, you can read our Frequently Asked Questions page.