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Ukraine and Russia Situation

Find out more information on the situation in Ukraine and Russia, and what support is available to you.

On this page:

UK Government information  

The UK Government has created the following information and advice pages to provide updates about the situation in Ukraine and Russia, and the latest travel advice for both countries. 

Immigration advice 

The Student Immigration Team (Advice) is responsible for supporting overseas students during their stay in the UK, including immigration, money issues, employment, and personal matters. Read more about the team and contact an adviser. 

Assignment extensions 

If you feel that you need more time for an assignment, you might be eligible for an extension. Approval for an extension is discretionary, so contact your module/programme leader who will be able to help you.  

Alternatively, you may be eligible to defer your assignment under Exceptional Circumstances.

University accommodation 

University accommodation is available now and for over the summer period if you need it. For more information, and to apply click here. 

Financial support

If you are a home student, contact the Student Funding and Financial Support team for further information. You can also attend one of the team's drop-ins taking place Monday - Friday, 10.00 - 16.00 in person and via Microsoft Teams. To book a slot click here.

Alternatively, if you're an international student contact the Student Immigration Team (Advice) for support. There is also the Overseas Student Hardship Fund that you may be eligible to apply for.

Wellbeing and counselling services 

 If you’re feeling anxious or worried, support is available should you need or want it. 

You can also use our Speak Out service if you’ve witnessed or experienced an incident, you’re uncomfortable with. 

Be reassured that support is always available, so please reach out if you or someone you know is struggling. 

There are also lots of external organisations that offer mental health and wellbeing support listed below. 

Please note: If your mental or physical health symptoms get worse, please visit your GP/Doctor as they are your primary care contact. Call 111 or 999 to access immediate/urgent support. 

Student Space 

Call 0808 189 5260 to get free, confidential support from a trained volunteer, 7 days a week 15.00 - 24.00. 

Text STUDENT to 85258 for 24 hour support. 

Webchat 16.00 - 23.00 every day. 

Email for a response within 24 hours. 


Call 0800 585858 17.00 - 24.00. 

Webchat 17.00 - 24.00. 


Text 85258 for 24 hour support. 


Call 116123 for 24 hour support. 

Email for a response within 24 hours. 

NHS Mental Health Helpline 

Call 01438 843322 which is open 17.00 - 21.00 weekdays and available 24 hours on weekends and bank holidays. 


Explore resources on where to get help in a crisis. 

Join Side by Side, Mind's online community. 

Heads Together 

Read where you can get support.