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Learning Resources Centres: User standards and behaviour

The Learning Resources Centres (LRCs) provide a pleasant and supportive environment in which to study. We want you to enjoy your time in the LRC and use the facilities to maximise your learning experience.

The University wants all Learning Resources Centres (LRCs) users to have a safe, comfortable, and productive environment while using the facilities and services provided. 

Please help us by using our facilities and spaces responsibly and by respecting other LRC users, security, and staff. 


Security and safety in our LRCs

The University Security Team is present for everyone's safety and wellbeing.  Please treat them with respect and follow any instructions you are given.

The LRCs will be staffed by security throughout opening hours.  Speak to a member of the security team if you have any concerns for yourself or others during your visit.

Contact Security on:

  • 01707 281010 - internal extension 1010,
  • or in an emergency 01707 285555 - internal extension 5555

Please look after your belongings whilst studying in the LRC and do not leave valuables unattended even for a short time.  Lost or missing items should be reported to our Security team.

Find out more about student safety.

Entry and ID cards

  • Please note the current opening hours on our website and plan your visit accordingly. 
  • Staff and Students will need a UH ID card to access the LRCs.  
  • You can activate the security gates with your physical ID card or the digital version which is available from the Herts Mobile app
  • You will need your physical ID card to use the book-issue machines and the printers. 
  • Please keep your ID card on your person at all times and be prepared to show your ID card on request.
  • At busy times you may have to queue to enter the LRC. 
  • Please note that if you leave the LRC (except in the event of evacuation) – you should take your belongings with you. 
  • Visitors must bring photo ID (physical or digital) and sign in at the LRC Security desk. 

Not got your ID card yet?

  • If you forget your ID card and do not have the digital version LRC Security may allow you to sign in as a visitor.   
  • If you have lost your ID card, please report this to the LCS Helpdesk and visit one of the Ask Hubs as soon as possible. 
  • International Student? You will need your physical ID card to register your attendance on campus to comply with UK Visa and Immigration regulations (UKVI).
  • Please remember that you will need your ID card to borrow laptops as well as books. 

Find out more about obtaining your ID card on AskHerts

You must not borrow, lend or copy University ID cards
The University takes seriously any attempt to reproduce or to forge a University Identity Card or to allow a card to be used other than by the person to whom it has been issued, which is regarded as a breach of discipline.

Study Zones

  • Choose the study space that's right for you.
  • Respect the right of other students to work without disruption, especially if you are studying in one of our quiet or silent study areas.
  • Please use headphones when listening to audio to avoid disruption to other students. 
  • On occasion, Security or Library staff may ask you to vacate certain areas of the LRCs to facilitate cleaning and maintenance.  

In addition to dedicated slient study rooms at both LRCs, the whole of the top floor of CL LRC is for quiet individual study and should not be used for group work.
Students who are unable to work quietly in this area will be asked to relocate   

Etiquette: Webcams, video, and audio recordings in the LRCs

  • Please be aware that some LRC users will be participating in online sessions in the LRCs and using webcams and video on PCs or mobile devices.   You may be inadvertently captured on someone else's video and audio if you are nearby.
  • Be considerate of others while participating in online sessions.
  • All other forms of filming or audio capture in the LRCs are only permitted within a Group Study Room.  Find out more: Filming on campus.
  • As a matter of courtesy and to avoid dispute, please do not deliberately record or share video or audio of others without their prior permission.

Food & Drink

You can eat and drink in the LRCs but please be considerate of others.

  • Use lidded drinks containers to reduce spillages (except in the cafe).
  • Please use the cafe seating areas when eating hot, messy or smelly snacks and meals.
  • Clear away your rubbish in the bins provided and leave your area clean. 
  • If you have a spillage, please advise the Helpdesk as soon as possible on 01707 284678 or email at
  • Alcohol is not permitted in the LRC
  • Food deliveries will not be accepted at the LRC.

See: food and drink at College Lane and at de Havilland for more information.

Scooters*, skateboards, and fold-up bicycles

You may not ride any form of scooter, skateboard, or bicycle within the LRCs.
You may carry a self-propelled scooter, skateboard, or fold-up bicycle into the LRC, but must ensure that:

  • It is stored in a suitable bag before you enter the LRC to prevent dirt and oil contamination 
  • You keep the item with you in your study space
  • Your item does not block doors, emergency exits, or walkways

Please note that use of e-scooters is prohibited on campus.  Please store your e-bike or e-scooter outside only in the cycle racks. For more information see: 

*This does not refer to 'mobility scooters'

Smoking and e-cigarettes (vaping)

LRC users are reminded that smoking and the use of e-cigarettes (vaping) is prohibited in all University buildings and within 10 metres of any building. 

Accidents, Incidents, or Emergencies

If you are a witness to or involved in, an incident or accident that requires urgent attention, please report it immediately to LRC Security Staff who are available 24/7.  

  • Go to the Security Desk at the LRC entrance or call 01707 281010 - internal extension 1010,
  • For immediate assistance in an emergency call 01707 285555 - internal extension 5555

If there has been any damage to computing equipment, furniture, or book stocks this should be reported to Security and the Helpdesk on 01707 284678 as soon as possible. 

If the fire alarm sounds, you must exit the building by the nearest available fire escape route which will be clearly signposted.

  • Do not stop to collect your belongings.
  • Follow the instructions of Security and LRC staff.
  • Assemble at the fire assembly point opposite the front of the LRC, keeping away from the building.
  • Do not attempt to re-enter the building until instructed to do so.

For health, safety and security reasons group study rooms and meeting rooms must not be locked  (or purposely blocked) from the inside by room users. 

Dealing with concerns 

For the safety and welfare of all LRC users, all staff,  students and visitors are expected to follow the behaviour and standards set out above.

If an individual or group of individuals fail to observe the above guidelines the following steps may be taken by a member of LCS staff or Security:

  1. Help and signposting: Remind user(s) of the rules, and discuss any concerns. Where to find support and information.
  2. Remind: repeat reminder / verbal warning
  3. Sanction: Individual(s) will be asked to leave the LRC
  4. Further action may be taken if appropriate, including a referral to the Dean of Students Office for further advice and support

Your welfare

Being a student can be tough at times, especially during times of change and when you are facing new challenges. There is a wide range of support available to students and if you are struggling or concerned about yourself or someone you know please make contact and ask for help.

Some simple tips that we can all do:  

  • Get enough sleep
  • Eat well and stay hydrated
  • Get some exercise and fresh air
  • Talk to someone

Sleeping in the LRCs

Please don’t sleep in the LRC

  • Good sleep habits are beneficial for your wellbeing and academic success and we understand that everyone needs to take breaks but it’s healthier and safer to sleep at home where you and your belongings can be kept safe
  • Security staff are available to help keep you safe throughout the night – please respect them, ask them if you need help and do as they ask. If they see you sleeping they will wake you up and check you are ok.
  • Our toilets aren’t suitable as washrooms, please respect them and make sure you leave them in a clean and tidy state so others can use them.

If you have to travel to campus, please plan ahead

  • Make sure you know your transport times and options. You can download the Uno Buses app to view local bus stops and see upcoming departures.  Search ‘Uno Buses’ in your app store.
  • Please leave the LRC in good time to make use of public transport if you rely on it
  • If you would prefer not to travel home, accommodation on campus is available at a reasonable price.  Email for all campus short stay enquiries.  Please note that this needs to be booked in advance.  See studio flats for further information.
  • If you required help and support and live on campus you can contact the Residence Life Team on  See Residence life for further information. 
  • If you require help and support and live off campus you can contact the Community and Safeguarding Team at See Renting privately off campus
  • If you have financial difficulties and are worried about the cost of travel or accommodation please contact our Student Finance support team at for information on help and support available. 

If it’s late and you find you can’t get home

  • Speak to a security officer at the desk near the LRC entrance who will be able to help you, please don’t hide away
  • Security officer may take your details so they can pass this on to Student Wellbeing who will contact you to make sure you are ok

Help is on hand

  • If you don’t feel safe at home, you can speak to our Student Wellbeing team
  • All students have access to a free 24/7 helpline. If you need immediate wellbeing/emotional support, financial, legal, non-urgent medical advice or grief support call: 0808 196 3533.
  • The Students’ Union Advice & Support Centre also provide students with free independent advice on a range of matters including safety and wellbeing, housing, and money. They can be contacted by emailing

Abusive and threatening behaviour

At Herts we aim to create an environment of mutual respect for students and staff alike. 

  • Abusive or threatening behaviour or language is not acceptable under any circumstances.
  • Please report any inappropriate behaviour to security staff in the LRC or call the Helpdesk +44(0) 1707 284678. Alternatively, you can pick up any InfoPoint phone who will then inform Security.
  • All reported incidents are taken seriously; they are recorded, and details are reported, with further action taken as required.

Herts is committed to providing a positive experience for all students and staff and our University will not condone any form of bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, assault, and discrimination. Go to Report and Support for further information and how to report.

Contact Us

Helpdesk - Library and Computing Services

Library and Computing Services

Today - Open 24 Hours
Please refer to the LCS Service Status page for updates on service availability. Online and telephone support is available 08:00 to 18:00 Monday - Friday with telephone support only available outside of these times.


Today - Open 24 Hours
Security Control Room, College Lane and de Havilland

Herts SU Advice and Support

Hertfordshire Students' Union

Today 10:00 - 16:00
Our team aims to respond to email queries within 2 working days or less. Pre-booking appointments is advised. Please contact the team via email or complete our online appointment request form to do this.
Herts SU, College Lane