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Request for voluntary suspension from your studies (Defer)

Students may wish to suspend their studies for a variety of reasons. Support and guidance is available at the University, to foster the decision-making of those contemplating suspending their studies.

Approval can only be given for the suspension of a student’s studies for up to 1 academic year.  This post provides guidance on the procedure of voluntary suspension of studies, for Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate students.   

What is voluntary suspension of studies?

Suspension is taking a break from your studies for the following reasons:

  • Maternity or paternity;
  • Illness;
  • Family issues;
  • Financial issues;
  • Standing as a sabbatical officer for the Hertfordshire Student Union;
  • Other reasons at the discretion of the Dean of Students.

 Before you suspend

Suspending your studies can bring a number of implications that you should consider.  Suspending your studies may: 

  • Require you to leave University managed accommodation, and you would need to re-apply before returning to study.
  • Affect your tuition fees payments.
  • Affect the immigration status of international students studying in the UK.  
  • Affect your council tax exemption status.
  • Affect your access to a number of University services, including the LRC, nursery, Disability Services, and Student Union status.
  • Affect DSA funding.

Please note, requests for suspended studies of more than 12 months, retrospective requests, or requests that appear 'unusual', will be considered on a case by case basis by the Dean of Students and the School of study.   

Further support and advice 

You can talk with a variety of University staff to support you in your decision-making:

Proceeding with your voluntary suspension

If having sought all necessary advice and support, you decide to proceed with the suspension, you will need to take the following steps;  

  1. Complete a request for voluntary suspension of studies form and attach documentary evidence of the reasons for the request.  
  2. Pass the form to your course Programme Tutor for approval
  3. Email the completed form to 
  4. Your Student Records Administrator will then request approval by the Dean of School
  5. If you are funded by the Student Loans Company, we will notify them of this suspension/deferral 

International students must speak to International Student Support at the earliest possible time.

When you're ready to return

When you are ready to come back following a suspension of your studies, have a look at our Returning Student Checklist.

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