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PGR students, University computer accounts and FAQs

Your PGR questions answered

Please note that the information on this page relates primarily to services provided to you by Library and Computing Services.
It is supplementary to information provided to you by The Doctoral College. 

As a Postgraduate Research (PGR) student at Herts you will have:

  • full online collaboration opportunities within the University research community
  • access to online systems that help you in your work
  • an email account, usually in the format 

General FAQs 

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General FAQs for PGR students

Your user account, password, and email

I studied at Herts previously; will I get a new account?

  • If it is less than 4 years since your studies ended at Herts, we generally reinstate your previous student user account as the 'privileged' student account.
  • Following registration for your PGR, you will be sent an email with your account details.

I’m also a member of staff; will I get a privileged student account in addition to my staff account?

  • Yes, you will need this as well.

How and when will I receive my University account details?

  • Once you have been accepted onto your programme of study, we will contact you at the email address you gave to us when you applied to set up your account.
  • The Helpdesk will send an email to you asking you to set up your University login account (student). When you have done this, the Helpdesk will send a set-up confirmation email. (We will send emails to the personal email address you have entered in your Student Record)
  • Once you are registered you can update your personal email address on the student record system, and this is the one we will use to contact you going forward.

Will I be able to use my account straight away?

  • You can access Student Record straight away, although some systems might take slightly longer (up to 48 hours for some) before you can log in.

How do I change the password on my account?

Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

  • You will be required to set up MFA as an extra layer of security on your PGR account.
  • Find out more about Duo MFA on HertsHub, or MS MFA on AskHerts (if you use this and for all new PGR students)  

Will I have an official Herts email address I can use?

  • Yes, you will have a professional email address in the format

Do I need any other logins or passwords to access other systems?

  • We operate a ‘single sign-on' system and your password will generally be the same across all university systems and software.
  • There may be exceptions if your School uses standalone software which they will give you more information about.
  • Contact: if you have any queries


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Your PGR student ID card

 How do I get an ID card?  

Which ID card do I need if I have more than one role at the University?

If you have more than one role at Herts it may be necessary to have a different ID card for each role, for example, to manage your library loans, print credit or to access otherwise restricted areas. 

  • Herts staff member and PGR student  -  we recommend you obtain an orange PGR ID card in addition to your staff ID.
  • PGR student only - you need an orange PGR ID card.
  • PGR students also undertaking an undergraduate or postgraduate taught course - you will typically only need your PGR ID card, unless you need to separate your library loans, print credit, or access restricted areas.   Please note that if your PGR studies complete before your undergraduate course you will need to return your PGR ID card and obtain a student ID card.
  • Changing from PGR student to Herts staff member  -  you will need to get a Staff ID card.
  • Changing from Herts staff member to PGR student  -  you will need to hand back your Staff ID card and get an orange PGR card.
  • Changing from undergraduate or postgraduate taught student status to PGR student  -  please visit an AskHub to change your card to an orange PGR card, especially if your research requires you to access staff areas or labs out of hours. This will help Security identify your right to be there.

How do I access buildings, rooms, and labs?

  • Your 'privileged' student ID card will give you access to the areas you need. Your School / Supervisor will be able to advise and inform Access Control accordingly. 
  • Please make sure you always have your ID card on your person while on campus as Security and other staff may ask you to show it.

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Managing your personal details

Where can I update my personal details?

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How will the University Communicate with me?

  • We will contact you by email, please remember to check your email account(s). Find out more about how the University communicates with you
  • You can also keep up to date by checking HertsHub news and StudyNet news and by following the university on social media
  • You may also receive local communications from your School, the Doctoral College, or Research Team

What is HertsHub and how do I access it?

HertsHub is the internal website for University Staff. Go here for staff updates and information on a range of staff-facing services. Find information here for early career researchers  and support available from the Research and Scholarly Communications (RSC) Team.

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Books, resources, research skills support, and Learning Resources Centres (LRCs)

If you are new to research, have been out of higher education for a while, or just need a refresher then consider joining the Library SkillUp module, which covers searching, reading, evaluating, and referencing.

AskHerts has lots of information to help you find and use resources, including:

How many books can I borrow?

  • 25 items at any one time.
  • Books will auto-renew every 7 days for up to 52 weeks unless requested by another borrower
  • You have access to unlimited interlibrary loans

When are Learning Resources Centres (LRCs) open and what services are available there?

Find out about the opening times and available services on our LRC page 

Find out about accessing resources at other libraries and the SCONUL Access Scheme 

Are there any dedicated PGR student spaces or resources in the LRCs?

  • The Doctoral College has exclusive use of room L280 on the second floor of the de Havilland LRC. It is a great space where you can get together with other PGR students to compare notes, have a meeting with your supervisors, or even have one of your assessments there. The room will also be used for Seminars and Researcher Development events as well as other Doctoral College meetings.   All you have to do is pick a time and book a space via the room booking spreadsheet on your PGR Community MS Teams site.
  • There are also dedicated post graduate group study rooms on the ground floor of R block on the de Havilland campus.  Find out more and how to book here:

How do I access Turnitin?


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Computing and software

How do I connect to the internet on campus?

  • eduroam is the best choice for staff and students and  saves you time by logging in automatically whenever you are on campus
  • Find out more about the different ways of getting connected

Will the University provide me with a computer?

  • This depends on your school of study and your research programme
  • We have a range of PCs available in the two Learning Resources Centres.
  • 4 or 12 hours laptop loans (Chromebooks) are available at both LRCs to use while on campus
  • Find out more about borrowing a computer 

How do I access the Virtual Private Network (VPN) to remotely access resources?

What software will I have access to?

  • In addition to any specific software provided by your School or Research Group, you can also access the software available on University PCs and available in the LRCs (physically or via remote desktop access)

Microsoft Office (O365) software and Teams user accounts

  • All staff and students have access to Microsoft Office 365 (O365) and Microsoft Teams
  • All PGR students will be able to download Office applications to their own devices using the O365 account provided with their student account
  • PGR students also have audio and video calls enabled within Microsoft Teams and have a Teams profile matching that of Herts Staff.
  • Find out more about Microsoft Office 365 for Herts staff and students 

I need access to specialist software for my research; how do I get this?

  • Please speak to your School / Supervisor in the first instance
  • You may find that specialist software is already available on one of the Lab PCs in your area or is available on a hi-spec LRC PC. The Helpdesk will be able to advise you.
  • You may also access the software available on certain LRC and Lab Windows PCs remotely using our remote desktop computer service 
  • Where nonstandard software incurs additional license costs to the University this should be factored into the research budget in advance.  This may be the case for example if you wish to download software to a personal device.  Library and Computing Services will require a budget code from the School or Research Group before progressing any license purchases.

I need access to specialist data storage – how do I get this?

  • Please speak to your School / Supervisor in the first instance


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Where can I access printing services?

Self-service printers for printing, copying, and scanning are available around campus and in both LRCs.

If you need to print, copy, or bind any documents, especially anything complex, or if you need a professional finish to your work, it is recommended that you contact  Document Services.  You can also purchase supplies for self-service printing and binding.

Information on printing on campus 

If you are also a staff member, please remember to follow the student process for personal jobs and the staff process as outlined on HertsHub for work-related printing.

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Research systems

How do I access the Research Degrees Supervision Management System (RSMS)?

What about access to research systems like UHRA and RIS?

  • Due to license constraints, Post Graduate Researchers do not have access to the Research Information System.
  • When PGRs publish with their supervisors or other academic colleagues, who have access to RIS, they should ask their colleagues to put their outputs on RIS.
  • If there is no colleague to facilitate a deposit on RIS, please contact for advice
  • Find the UH Research Archive at

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Saving your work and storing data

Where should I store my files and research data?

  • All students and staff have access to O365 which includes storage on your OneDrive.
  • Some Research Groups may also use the R-Drive
  • If you need to access the X-drive (shared departmental storage) your local X-drive 'owner' will need to submit an X-drive group access rights form (available on HertsHub) 
  • Your School / Supervisor will advise your further
  • Find out more on our  storage and security page on HertsHub  

If you are a PGR Student and a Herts Staff member we strongly advise you to keep your two accounts and storage separate. (i.e. don't store PGR-related documents in your Staff OneDrive  or use your PGR email for staff-related matters and vice versa) 

What happens to my account and my saved information and data when I leave Herts?

  • Your University login account will be closed 6 months after the leaving date detailed in your Student Record.
  • Once your account is closed, we are unable to recover your saved work and emails. Find out more on AskHerts

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Careers and training courses

How do I book internal training courses?

Can I access support from the University's Careers and Employment service?


Can I apply for a parking permit as a PGR student?


Can I apply for on-campus accommodation?

  • Once you have received your Student ID number and have a Conditional or Unconditional offer of study you can apply for accommodation
  • You can make your application at
  • Once you have created an account please apply as a Postgraduate applicant so that we can try and house you with other mature students.


Will I get alumnus status when I leave Herts?

 Get help and support

  • For advice about the Research Supervision Management System (RSMS) or anything else PGR-related contact
  • For advice about publishing contact
  • For technical and user account queries please contact the Helpdesk 
  • For advice about your research programme contact your supervisor
  • For advice about information resources and academic skills contact the Helpdesk, who will be able to put you in touch with an Information Manager 

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If you have any feedback about the content on this page please click on the 'give feedback' link below.  

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