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Using Learning Resources Centre services and facilities

Services and facilities on campus and online to help you succeed in your studies

Our Learning Resources Centres (LRC) are open 24/7 to help you succeed in your studies. 

Core services include book browsing and borrowing, individual and group study spaces, bookable group study rooms, computer and software access, and help and support including a Study Success hub, where you can access a range of support from our friendly team of experts.

Use the links below to find out more about the services and facilities available both online and in the LRCs to support you with your studies.

Services and facilities available on campus

The Learning Resources Centres (LRC) provide a range of spaces, services, and technology to help support students and staff with disabilities. Find out more: Disability support in  our LRCs 

Books and resources

Our Learning Resources Centre (LRC) bookshelves are available 24/7 for browsing and self-issue.  Physical books are found on the first and second floors of both of our LRCs and you can also access thousands of e-books via the Online Library on StudyNet.

Find out more about book borrowing:

Study spaces

Both LRCs have a range of spaces for group and individual study activities so whether you are looking for a quiet spot to revise or a space to work with others there is a space for you.  Other than our group study rooms there is no need to book, just come in and find the study space that works best for you. 

Our LRCs may be more or less busy depending on when you visit.  Mornings tend to be quieter than afternoons, especially from March through to May.  You can use the 'plan your visit' feature on the HertsMobile app if you want to plan ahead. 

Find out more about study spaces available in the LRCs:

Computers, printing, and software

We have a range of computers, Macs, and specialist software PCs available for you to use in the LRCs plus you can print, copy, or scan your work using our self-service printers.

Find out more about using computers and software in the LRCs:

LRC facilities

Help and support

Help is on hand whilst you are studying in the Learning Resources Centres (LRC).

Find out more about getting help and support in the LRCs:

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Online access wherever you are

Books and resources

Computers and software

Help and support

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Contact Us

Helpdesk - Library and Computing Services

Library and Computing Services

Today - Open 24 Hours
Please refer to the LCS Service Status page for updates on service availability. Online and telephone support is available 08:00 to 18:00 Monday - Friday with telephone support only available outside of these times.